Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

There it goes again! Having to face this scenario several times over in the last couple of years can make you go ballistic! Why can love be so complicated? Reading from other people’s journal would make you wonder if there is something wrong with you.

You are at your prime, a high ranking corporate officer, with a comfortable income, and the right physical attributes that is the envy of all your friends and peers. You have a man who loves you, and you love him back in return. Your relationship may not be ideal, but it is comfortable. You have been a couple for the past three (3) years and people are starting to wonder, why you never got married.

You also wonder why you never did. Why do you have this fear of long term commitment? You are a perfect couple, so they say when you are together! A power couple that is hard to beat! But then, why is it that you never feel the perfectness or the power that other people see in the both of you? Do you just exude it without realizing it; or are you just not capable of feeling, on what is obviously there?

Then, you got an invitation to a fine class dining restaurant, and you knew that you will have to face that situation again. He blurts out, “Can we not take this relationship to the next level? How about thinking about babies and a future together? “You suddenly freeze, and unable to think. Why is it that your friends would want to be in the exact same situation that you are in now, but you find yourself reacting differently?

You next find yourself looking at the exit, and the nearest doorway. Come to think of it, you are a practical person. What you just want to do at that time is to savor the cuisine that was laid before you and talk about inane things like – stock trading. But conversations about – going to the next level and babies, are simply way beyond your power of comprehension! You have mixed emotions of either wanting to laugh, or simply run away from out of there!

He pulled out something big that was tidily wrapped up. You breathe a sigh of joy – now you know that it was not that dreaded thing which you have to put in your heart finger, to tie you down to him for eternity! You take a deep breath and smile, as you nibbled on your crispy duckling, dipped in hoisin sauce.

He gives you the package, and you opened it, and found a book on Subliminal Love Messages. Oh, here we go again! Opening the first page, made you realized that there was something written on it. It simply said, “To somebody that I would want to share the rest of my life with, with love and affection.” He told you in earnest that he had read the book, and had used all the subliminal techniques on you. He often wondered if it works, since he cannot see the result himself.

Now, he took the most obvious step and that was, to give you the book as gift. He tells you, “You know, we are obviously two of the smartest people in this place. We both can live a comfortable life, so how about taking this relationship a step further?” As you see it, this is the end of dinner. This love interest of yours, should have known the fatal signs – that subliminal messages may work for some but not for others. Commitment, especially on love relationships – were not built based on comfort, power and subliminal techniques alone. Some people can easily be swayed on whatever messages are placed before them, and you can be sure of getting a positive response. But some other people are not that easily swayed.

On proposals of marriage, this technique may result to an altogether different thing. You do not say to your intended that – ours is a comfortable relationship and we can have a happy life together. You do not wrap a book on Subliminal Love Messages, and give it to her just to get your message across -when you did not even have success in using it! That little misstep doomed the relationship to perdition.


By admin

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