Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

There are many ways that people communicate with each other. People communicate by talking, by using hand gestures, and of course by looking through the person’s body language. The different gestures that a person can do tell a story. You can easily know what the person is trying to tell you even without voicing it out and that is the power of body language. Through these gestures a person can tell if the person you are talking with likes you, hates you, loves you, or is simply just making fun of you. Hope the latter is not always the case.

Below are the simple body languages that a person does to express his or her feelings in different types of situations:

Near or Far. If you go near a person and that person moves far, then that is a clear indication that your company is not needed. On the other hand if you move closer to the person and he or she didn’t move back, then you are being liked.

Watch for the head gestures. If the person tilted the head very much, then he or is in for a playful conversation with you. Lowered heads tell that the person is shy, embarrassed, or the person is hiding a secret from you.

Eye movements. It is often known that when a person looks you in the eye it denotes that a person is telling the truth. This is often used when a girlfriend interrogates his boyfriend, or when a parent scolded his child. If eyes are seen with movements on the sides, it tells that the person is telling a lie. When you see eyes that look far away, then that person is not with you or maybe having a deep though that doesn’t include you in it.

Mimics your actions. This is a sign that a person likes you. When a person imitates you for nothing, it means that they are comfortable with your company and it just feels right doing crazy things with you because they are already comfortable with your company.

The arm signals. Having crossed arms implies that the person is not comfortable with your company. If you see them rub their hands or put it at the back of their neck, it generally means that they are pacifying themselves in that situation. If hands are on the hips, then it means that they are basically tired.

Feet Gestures. If you see constant tapping of the feet, then the person may be excited, bored or nervous.. You can tell if the person is relaxed with you if the person you are chatting with have the feet crossed at the ankles. And lastly, when you are in a conversation with the opposite sex and his feet touches yours, then that is a signal that he or she is flirting with you.

By having seen these actions doesn’t means that it is what the person implies. You should always keep in mind that we have different cultures and each culture has different upbringing. Try not to focus more on the body language that the person tells. You should also take time to notice the things that are not mostly seen by the eyes, but felt deeply by the heart.


By admin

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