Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

You and your girl broke up and now all you want is “to get my ex girlfriend back.” You realized your mistake and you don’t blame her for dumping you. You didn’t contact her for a while because you wanted to respect her space. Now you think it’s time for the two of you to talk and lo and behold! She’s willing to listen to you!

So what do you do now? You said you want to “get my ex girlfriend back.” Here’s the opportunity, you can once again communicate with her. Problem is, you don’t know how to proceed.

Try to remember that if you were once lovers, then there’s no reason why the two of you can’t be friends. That might be a good place to start. Being friends again means taking it slow. There’s no pressure and it’s like you’re getting to know each other again and starting a clean slate.

How do you talk to your ex girlfriend? Where do you start?

Sending emails or messages

It might be a good idea to send her messages or emails first. That way you can get a feel of the situation and you can figure out what you really want to say before sending it. It might be nerve-racking if you choose to call her first because you might get put on the spot. You may end up saying something you regret and you’re back right where you started.

Treat her like a friend

When she does contact you or replies, then remember to take it slow. Treating your ex girlfriend like a friend is a good idea because it’s like you have no motives. You have to be nonchalant. Whatever desperation you feel about getting back together, you need to bury it. If she sees that you are being clingy and miserable, then it would ruin your whole plan.

Delicate situation

Remember, you don’t want to put any pressure that you want to get back together. Now is not the time for that. You can’t make it seem like you are trying to talk them into getting back into the relationship. She’s still on her guard so you need to work on regaining her trust.

What if she agreed to meet with you?

Talking to your ex girlfriend face to face again might be a little weird for you but at least you know you’re getting somewhere. It’s actually a good option because it shows that she’s ready to see you again. It’s likely she’s calmed down and no longer harboring angry thoughts.

Now remember, when she does see you, you need to be sincere because she’ll be able to tell if you don’t mean what you’re saying. Choose a place that’s not really that intimate, preferably a place where two “friends” can hang out and just talk. A coffee shop is always a good idea or you can even invite her for lunch.

When it comes to “how to get my ex girlfriend back,” remember to be sincere and to take it slow. Make sure that you’re emotions are no longer in turmoil before you contact her. Be cool when you contact her and don’t keep hinting that you want to get back together.


By admin

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