Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

If your relationship ended due to a fight that brought on a lot of hurt feelings and emotional pain, what can you do to get your ex back? How about trying some simple tenderness to get your lover to come back to you?

To overcome those hurt feelings, humiliation or the pain of breaking up you will have to be gentle about it. You will have to work to heal the wounds that caused the break up. Overcoming a wrong that may have been committed takes time so be willing to do your best.

If you do not handle the situation correctly you take a chance making things worse. There might be something you do wrong that you are not aware of so you must be careful.

Maybe your ex has been struggling with things and is on edge. It may be things that are not a big deal to you but to your ex it is and they are having trouble coping with it.

Before you take on the task of getting your ex back, take a good look at yourself. If you have some areas you need to improve on would you be willing to seek professional advice if needed? Be open minded and accept the constructive criticism you may receive, it is only for your own improvements.

It may be uncomfortable talking to a stranger about these issues but ask what you can work on so you can get your ex back. You may not like what you hear but be assured it will be advice that may help you reach your goal.

Remember, whatever feelings your ex is experiencing are real. Understand that these feelings may be deeply troubling to them so you must approach them with tenderness and understanding.

If they get upset do not over react. When you get emotional and fight back you will only make things worse and drive the wedge deeper between you. You will have to show them support and be able to encourage them.

You should also give your ex some time and space so they will not feel pressured. They need time to work things out on their own for a little while and your being around could push them further away. But letting them know you are there if needed could show them your tender side.

Showing tenderness and compassion will help you win over your ex. You may have to make adjustments and showing tenderness may not feel natural to you. But if you truly want to get your ex back you will learn what to do.


By admin

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