Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

More articles, poems and prose have been written about love than any other topic. William Shakespeare wrote hundreds of sonnets eloquently pining over his current amorous affair. Charles Dickens scribed a tale of selfless love during the French Revolution in A Tale of Two Cities. Jane Austen pioneered romantic fiction with her novels of love, sacrifice and heartbreak-with her trademark ambiguous conclusions. But love, you see, usually is ambiguous; there are no hallmark ideas that can be transcribed from one person to another.

Each reader and each human being reinterprets love and falling in love in an entirely unique manner. It is in that interpretation we must trust; it is that interpretation we must guard faithfully and without prejudice. Every living human soul must be given the inalienable right to love and to marry whomever they choose. Every citizen of any advanced government should also have his right to love and to marry anyone protected by such a government. If we are truly to evolve as a country, the state mandated level of marriage must be elevated to the federal level and guarded over by the American Congress without discrimination.

Just as we cannot choose for whom we fall, no one else can choose the parameters of our marriage. The Constitution says nothing about sexual preference. It never did. Love is never really addressed in the American political system, but sex is a full-blown comedy of errors with repercussions echoing throughout the media and news. I wonder why politicians are absolved of so many sexual transgressions while standing up outwardly for the limitations on love and marriage. I think it because love and sex are inevitably intertwined in a tapestry that dates back millennia.

It truly is like mixing up emotions and feelings in a giant blender and waking up to find out you are next to someone completely unexpected with feelings incredibly unresolved. Because we never truly understand why we fall for a person. I would have never guessed my friends Ella and John would be each other’s type-but they are a smashing example of a relationship blended up to serve friendship, romance, cooperation and procreation. They are simply two totally different personalities-but two that truly surprise and amaze each other.

Sixty years ago it was a surprise to see an African American with a White American-but we have since evolved beyond that in most countries. The boundaries of love are beyond and above any political system and expand like the Universe without any regard for the needs and selfish wants of any congressman. Do we not have the God given right to love who we want to love? Can we be limited in our union with people by a small group of fundamentalists with almost no insight into diversity? No, we cannot. I believe that love is a part of each word in the phrase “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” We do not need any more Constitutional amendments about marriage-the underlying value of it is already ingrained in the original prose of the foundations of America.

The founding fathers of America, many of whom are also forefathers of the original New Thought metaphysical movement, already had the mentality of freedom to love infused into their writings. But to really be able to serve up a blendered drink of marriage, we need to have a more universal sense and sensibility. We need to support those who support our freedoms. We need to remember that love is many splendored thing-and protect it from the agendas of those seeking to limit it.


By admin

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