Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

You’re maybe a boy, a girl, man, or woman but you are not excused from the stages of the dating game. I know most of you, if not all, are aware of this game by now. I was just cooking dinner when it suddenly came to me that I am presently doing this game thing. Now, if this is really a game, is there also a winner? After asking this question into my head, I suddenly feel the need to write about these steps that will in some way help you with the dating game. And also hopefully will help me as well.

So let the game begin…

1. The “MEETING”

Believe she or he is out there for you. You just need to find the time to explore every option you have to find “the one”. It can be on a bus, a train, in a coffee shop, or even in your favorite supermarket. With a person like me who doesn’t go out that much, internet is my place to meet him. A scheduled meeting in a restaurant or a coffee shop will do the trick.


If the two parties hit it off on the 1st meeting, then it’s time for the getting to know stage. It is in here that a boy or the girl will ask so many questions about their lives especially what they do on regular basis. They would chat, text, call, or even see each other as much as they can. Some would want this stage to be as long as possible. Some would rather take the risk of making it shorter if they already see that they are attracted to each other.


I would call this one the last stage of the dating game. It’s the end of being single and having a partner in life. Some will get lucky and will surely settle down after this stage. While some will not be lucky and will start again from the 1st stage. This is the beginning of not just one but a couple who will experience life together and start to collect memories of their journey with love and respect for each other.

Taking chances are one of the things a person would do if love is what they’re looking for. Go on and start your own stages of the dating game. You may meet your lifetime partner soon.


By admin

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