Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Below we discuss some basic facts and thoughts when it comes to divorce. It is typically not a short process and one that entails quite a bit of attention and will affect many areas of your life.

First, you’ll have to determine if divorce is really your best option. Then you’ll have to start the process by working with an attorney, talking to your spouse, or going about the filings on your own (do research). Once the process starts you’ll have various challenges to endure. It can get tricky, nasty, emotional, and more. Be prepared not only legally and financially, but prepared to handle the climb to the finish line.

Divorce is not just a termination. It’s a beginning. Maybe your friends of the family or people at work will be going through its own set of changes as you face others with your new civil status.

Divorce may be defined as a termination but it is the start of new beginnings and the introduction of a number of changes in both you and your children’s lives.

Is divorce for you?

Before that, if you are reading this and are in the process of considering divorce, take a moment to think about several assertions. If you believe that you can accept the following assertions as true in your marital relationship, give the idea of divorcing your mate a second thought.

I believe I still have love for my mate. I am prepared to seek counseling or marital therapy for the sake of the relationship. I want to transform for the better.

I value openness and truthfulness in my relationship with my mate.

It doesn’t matter who’s right or wrong, what matters is that I am willing to seek forgiveness or forgive when needed.

However, if you cannot see yourself in the mentioned assertions, read on to gain a basic understanding of divorce.

There have been misunderstandings as to how divorce and annulment differ. As mentioned, divorce is a termination of the marriage contract. Annulment, on the other hand, deems the marriage null and void, as if one were never married in the first place.

In certain areas where divorce has stigma attached to it due to the country’s dominant religious belief, annulment is more popular.

The Popularity of divorce…

Most developed countries, despite certain religious stigma, divorce is widely acceptable. The popularity of divorce in developed countries has been on the up rise since the 20th century. Countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and South Korea, have all been affected by this popularity of divorce.

However, in the Philippines and Malta, divorce is illegal. Even if divorce is legal in Japan, the country has been able to maintain a distinctly low divorce ratio. Because of the Catholic Church’s influence, a number of countries in Europe have banned divorce. As a result, people in these locations seek out other areas in order to get divorced.

There are many phases of a divorce starting with the decision, talking to the spouse, and so on. It entail a series of steps and the complexity of a divorce depends on many factors and each unique situation.

Legally there is a lot that will go into this so be prepared for that and the less you agree on terms and items the more difficult this can get.

Divorce will take a toll on you in many facets of life. It will hit you emotionally, spiritually, physically, financially, and more. It can have a huge impact on your children (if you have them) which can lead to lifelong issues if not handled properly.

If you are asking for the divorce be sure to review checklists, websites, and get professional advice as needed. Same goes if you did not ask for the divorce but are now facing that situation. If you want to stop the divorce it will take some work. Most couples don’t call it quits until they feel there is no more hope of happiness with the other person. Get cracking quickly if you want to try and salvage your marriage and family.

You have to understand as we conclude this short overview of divorce, there is a lot that goes into the process. In some cases it can be quick, but the healing tends to take quite a while. The rebuilding phase can take time as well depending on circumstances.

The bright side is perhaps this is your opportunity for a fresh start, a new start. The chance to pursue dreams and goals you set out for but have been put by the wayside.

Again, this quick overview just gives you some of what divorce is all about and what you should expect. Moving forward you’ll have to make a lot of decisions and handle various questions, not to mention situations. Be ready because whether you try to make the marriage work or proceed with divorce, you have a lot of work to do.


By admin

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