Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

During your marriage you were part of a team. Compromise and negotiations were a big part of making the partnership work. Even in good marriages you can lose sight of things that make up who you really are over the years. Little compromises and choices made long ago have left pieces of you behind. If your relationship was out of balance or abusive, it is likely that you gave even more of yourself away.

When you find yourself suddenly on your own, without a partner, reconnecting with your authentic self is an important, and sometimes overlooked, step in your healing process.

After every ending, there is a new beginning. This is a great time to start looking at the world through fresh eyes. What appeals to you? What doesn’t? What colors draw you in? Do you prefer quiet or a lot of sensory input? What are your favorite flavors? What makes you smile? What is your favorite flower, song, place to sit?

Who in the world are you?????

When you slow down and pay attention to how you feel about the little things you start to remember your authentic self. Reconnecting with this part of you will give you the strength and confidence you need to move on in your new life with ease and grace.

Here are some ideas that can support you in remembering who you really are:

1. Start surrounding yourself with things that warm your heart or lift your spirits.

2. Look for one beautiful thing to enjoy each day.

3. Switch things up. It’s your world and you get to make the choices now.

4. List your top 5 values and use them as a mantra for your life.

5. Choose 5 family values with your children to guide your new family life.

6. Check within before making choices. Listen to your heart.

7. Start a daily journal.

8. Write a vision for your new life.

9. Make a list of the things you are passionate about.

10. Write 5 things you are grateful for every night.

11. Revisit the dreams you used to have for your life.

12. Explore different styles of music, home decor, and clothing.

13. Bring out your funky side.

14. Give your kids freedom to express their creativity as you express yours.

15. Have an adventure – do something you always wanted to do.

16. Create a vision board.

17. Surround yourself with people who inspire and support you.

18. Tell your children how much you love them. Often.


By admin

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