Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Domestic violence has been called a hidden crime because many victims of domestic violence never report the crime. What should you do if you suspect domestic violence is occurring? This is a difficult situation because you may worry about interfering in the relationship and your friend or relative resenting you for trying to intervene. There is a pride factor involved in the victim’s response to you and many victims are unwilling to seek help because they believe that their significant other is going to change.

If you have suspicions and suspect domestic violence is taking place, there are a few things you can do to help your friend or family member. The first thing is to assess the situation. Are you going to be putting them in danger by confronting them about it? Make sure that you are cognizant of their safety and only talk to them when they are alone and the significant other is not around.

Do some research on domestic violence. Offer to go with your friend or family member to a support group or counseling session. Realize that your friend or family member may not be willing to leave their situation at this time. Many victims of believe that they are better off staying in the situation instead of leaving. This can be due to many factors and you need to respect their decision. If you try to force someone into leaving a situation that they are not ready to leave, then you run the risk of alienating them.

If you witness or hear any type of situation occurring that you think may be an instance of domestic violence, the risk of not helping in that situation outweighs what could happen if you intervene. Media outlets like to concentrate on the cases of failed attempts to intervene, but there are many successful cases as well that do not get media spotlight. Call the police and explain what you are hearing or witnessing. This can help the victim to establish a record of domestic violence in case they choose to pursue charges or seek help.

Domestic violence situations are shocking and scary for everyone involved in the situation and witnesses also. If you suspect domestic violence is occurring and affecting your friend or loved one, then it is up to you to try to help them. You may worry that you will alienate them or they may believe you are sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong. Those feelings will pass once they are away from the situation. Following the tips that we have presented above are paramount in saving someone from a difficult situation. The tools and help are out there, it is up to you to help if you suspect domestic violence is occurring.


By admin

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