Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

One wonders why women stay in an abusive relationship to wake up to another miserable day of torture. It’s hard to understand their situation unless you’ve been there. With these women facing fear everyday from an abusive spouse or boyfriend keeps them trapped.

They can’t continue living this way and must find the guts to get out. They need to take total control of their life and stand up to their abusive spouse or boyfriend. You must take action to get out of a miserable relationship or your life will be a waste.

Life is too short to worry about someone turning on you and it usually happens in a split second. You have probably talked to friends or family about your miserable relationship, but talk is easy, taking action is the tough part, but you have to do it. Start with relationship or marriage counseling and if it doesn’t help, take the proper channels to drop this relationship.

Move out of the house or apartment you’re sharing with your partner and get your own place. If money is a problem, stay with friends or relatives until you can get back on your feet. There are state attorneys that can help you through a divorce free of charge and they will issue a restraining order on this guy.

Some women keep going back to their abusive partner to take more abuse, but they must stand on their own two feet and tell them to get lost. Once you get through this mess and are ready to start a new life, get a friend to go with you to a singles event.

You need to meet new people and have some fun so you can move on and forget the nightmare you’ve been going through. Don’t let someone else control your life and soul. Only GOD owns your soul and you own your life, so you can do whatever you want within reason.

Some guy doesn’t have the right to tell you how to dress, walk, and talk, not to wear make-up or what friends not to see. These losers have low self-esteem and no confidence and they believe the world owes them, so they try making someone else miserable because of their own miserable life, so they blame you.

Don’t believe it, don’t take it, get out of it. After time has passed and you have gone to singles events, you will probably want to start dating again. You’re probably thinking all guys are that way, but they’re not. If you go to a good dating service, there are many nice guys that are totally opposite from what you’re use too.

Speed dating events are for relationship minded singles, so if you are ready, try to attend one of their functions. There is a wonderful guy waiting to meet you so you can have the good life you deserve.


By admin

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