Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

When a woman decides to leave an abusive relationship it can be the beginning of an unexpected chain of events for her. There can be a huge amount of fear and trauma still as there is the feeling that the perpetrator may appear again. This creates something of an emotional rollercoaster. She may have removed herself from the situation yet the emotions are still there, the memories surface and anxiety can and does kick in.

The most common way of society dealing with this is to offer counselling. Talking about it over and over has been a well known therapy for many years now which in most cases merely anchors in the trauma and negative emotions. Those emotions are residing in the unconscious mind, they are running programmes, behaviours, beliefs and ideas. The emotions will always be there, they will stay suppressed until a skilled coach or therapist guides the woman to releasing those emotions directly from her unconscious mind.

Suppressed negative emotions create many issues and challenges for women who have experienced abusive relationships. She may experience emotional outbursts, she may completely zone out from her emotions. This is common with women who self medicate. It can be with food, alcohol, medication or a visible opting out of life.

Negative emotions affect the physical body, emotional body, mental and spiritual body. They affect every area of her life, in fact, to such an extent that many women want to be invisible. They may not enter into new relationships, they may attract similar relationships, the consequences of suppressed negative emotions can be devastating.

With specialist coaching women can release the emotions, begin to live a full life and make themselves a priority again.

Signs of suppressed negative emotion

Feeling exhausted

Wanting to be invisible

Feeling invisible

Over eating

Self medicating

Unexplained emotional outbursts

Overwhelming sadness

Unexplained fear

Attracting similar relationships


Mood swings

Those are examples of trapped and suppressed negative emotions in the unconscious mind. In my experience I have experienced all of the above and felt as though my life was run by my emotional state. Some days I would do anything I could to zone out from the emotion. Other times I would find myself completely exhausted with no real known cause.


By admin

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