Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

How to end a relationship: This is easy to do. Get up close to your partner so your noses are touching, like what boxers do before a fight, and simply say, ‘you are oh so dumped’. Believe it or not this course of action, aside from dumping by text, is a common way people break up with their partner. However, if you want to stay friends with your ex after the split this isn’t the right way to go about it.

Using this type of approach to finish with someone is down right cruel. The only time a sadistic let down is appropriate is when you have a justified reason to be horrible. That reason might include your boyfriend or girlfriend being violent towards you, or that they cheated on you behind your back, other from that let them down gently if you want to stay friends.

For the person ending the relationship it is never going to be easy, as this goes for them being kicked to the kerb, nevertheless, using the right words and right moment to tell your partner it is over between the two of you, will help ease their pain.

Warning: You mustn’t copy the ways of others to end your partnership. People operate differently in love situations and that’s why it is important that it is you doing the talking, and not someone else.

Timing is crucial as is choosing the right environment to tell your partner you don’t love them anymore. Choose a place you are less likely to get interrupted. Any sort of distraction can kill the setting. If this happens you may not get everything off your chest and out in the open. Remember, no matter the time, or where you meet up to talk about splitting up, it’s not going to be any less painful for the person you are dumping.

1. Honest: They say the truth hurts, while this is true – in situations like this its about having to be cruel to be kind. Whatever the reason for the split make sure the other person fully understands why you don’t want to be, or can’t be, a couple anymore. Don’t leave a stone unturned. Holding back to save hurt won’t help, in fact it coud make things more difficult. Pussy footing around to save face and not being truthful will give false hope to the one you are dumping. Be honest and up front so not to leave an opening for your ex to come back looking for answers.

2. Timing: Choose a mellow setting where you won’t be disturbed to have your say. Bad choices include at a party, in a disco, or in the car. Spare a thought for the injured person to-be and avoid these places, and also avoid alcohol. Being sozzled will give you dutch courage, which is not a good idea. Alcohol can give cause for an aggressive reaction as opposed to a tearful one, so no dumping in the pub to avoid broken bones.

3. Dump in public: It’ll help if people are close by because your boyfriend or girlfriend may be less likely to go off on one, and cause chaos. Being around others will give you confidence to follow through with the break up. If you’re alone you are under threat of caving in and backing out of going through with ending the relationship. Go to a cafe or library where you can up and leave if things get nasty, rather than wait for this person to go.

4. Face to face: Never have someone or something act on your behalf. No one deserves to be finished with by text, email, or by telephone.

5. Be certain: Having mixed feelings about splitting up can mess with your heart and your partners too and they’ll sense this. Not knowing what you want at the time of talking about going separate ways isn’t fair on your partner, and will cause unnecessary heartache, leaving them thinking there is still hope. Be sure and make it clear that your decision to move on is final.

Tips: If you still want to be friends speak with a soft tongue before that of a forked one when ending the relationship. Don’t give cause for bawling and shouting. Keep your voice low and be civil during the initial break-up. Avoid name-calling and swearing. Make out even if not fully true that splitting up is the end of something special.

What to say when you dump your boyfriend or girlfriend

It’s over
I don’t love you any more
We are finished
I can’t see a future for us
I don’t want us to be couple
I’m ending this relationship

Whatever line you use to end the relationship is not going to be easy to say, and neither be easy for the other person to accept, however, feel the fear and do it anyway so you can both move on with your lives.


By admin

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