Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The key to overcoming this depression and being able to stay happy and joy filled and still enhance the relationship, there are some simple things you can do. It does not matter that you are in a longer distance relationship, as long as you continue to communicate often, you do little things for each other to enhance the feeling of connection, be active when you are apart to feel less lonely wand depressed, and have a plan on when you are going to see each other next.

Communicate Often

One of the ways to ensure you don’t get depressed during a long distance relationship is to ensure that you are communicating often. Learn what works best for both of you. Some people love the phone, others hate it. Some enjoy texting, It doesn’t matter what you use for communicating, just communicate. And use some of the amazing technology out there to enhance the communication. Each get s Skype account so you can see each other as you are talking. There are a lot of great ways to see and hear each other even over long distances, use them to your advantage and have fun.

Do little things

Another great secret to cope with the depression of a long distance relationship is to do the little things. When you are person you should be doing simple little things like bringing home flowers, etc. You can still do these same things when you are in a long distance relationship. There is basically no limit to what you can find to be delivered anywhere you want, be it flowers, candy, jewelry etc. And don’t be afraid to go a little old school. Write hand written love letters and send them on a random basis. Or take the pictures you have and turn them into a book using one of the fun online sites that will create single books. Just keep in mind what you love about the other person and find wonderful ways to remind them of the feeling they give you.

Be active

Sometimes when you are not with your loved one you can have the tendency to want to sit around and mope. You start thinking, if I cant be with the one I love why should I do anything. This is the exact wrong attitude to take. Since you are in a long distance relationship, use the time you would have spent with your loved one to do other things. It can be hanging out with friends, getting in shape, etc. It can also be the perfect time to learn something new that will enhance your relationship. Learn to play the piano, or the guitar, or learn to dance, etc. You will be thinking of your loved one while staying busy and enhancing the time you are together all at the same time.

Plan the next get together

And the final secret to ensuring that you cope with the depression of long distance relationships is to know when the distance part is going to end. It is less important how long it will be until you are together next and more important that you know that you will be together again. So choose a date in the future and pan for it. Make sure you both put it in your calendars and book all the needed flights, etc. If you end up seeing each other before this planned date then even better, but at least you know you will see each other. It helps.

You can and will survive the challenges of a long distance relationship. You will feel down at times, but as long as you keep communicating, keep doing the little things, stay active and know the next time you are going to see each other, than all will be fine.

Sean is a world traveler who has often had to deal with the challenges of long distance relationships. He knows that family and friends have to come first, and knows you have to choose to out in the time and effort for success, especially in long distance relationships.


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