Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Now everybody knows the main way to communicate during a long distance relationship is through the telephone. Whether home phone or cell phone, we need it to speak to our loved one. But let’s face it people, we all get tired of talking on the phone sometimes. Especially if it becomes routine.

Before my wife and I got married, we were in college and in a LDR and talked on the phone multiple times a day. But after a while I got tired of just talking on the phone, and around the same times of day. Now part of this was because I am not a big talker anyways, but I got tired of being on the phone for 2-4 hours every night. I know my wife was tired too because like most woman, she wanted spontaneity. And after a while, I didn’t look forward to the phone calls because I got tired of communicating in the same way everyday. I missed my girlfriend, but I wanted to see her, not just talk to her. And as we all know, talking on the phone when you and your lover aren’t getting along SUCKS! So after a while I discovered that just because we live far apart from each other, doesn’t mean we should spend so many hours on the phone that we get on each others nerves. So here are my tips to keep you and your loved one happy over the phone.

Call each other at unexpected times of the day to shake up the routine call schedule we all get into.

Only talk on the phone as long as there is something to talk about. If there is extended silence on both ends of the phone, you will both get irritated with each other and get into the stupidest arguments.

If you call your lover and they are busy with something meaningful (work, conversation with close friends, or alone time) be understanding and allow them to call you back. Give each other space; even in long distance.

Spontaneously send each other silly or romantic texts. Maybe even have a conversation just through text to mix things up. I will have more info on romantic texting in a later article.

Pay your lover undivided attention when talking to them. Talking to other people or paying more attention to the TV while talking will make your lover who already misses you feel unloved and potentially cause some insecurity.

Now I do admit that my girlfriend and I at the time (now my wife) did go some days without talking to each other when we weren’t getting along. But couples in a long distance relationship must talk on the phone every day if you can help it. It doesn’t make sense to be in love with a person and purposely go a day without talking to them. I don’t know about y’all, but that’s just weird.


By admin

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