Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

There are very few people on the planet who are not in search of a soulmate. The largest question for most people is “Where is my soulmate and how can I attract them to me?” We are trained from a very early age to depend on those outside of us to provide for us. Slowly as we get older we are weaned from our caretakers and taught to be self reliant. The relevance to attracting your soulmate is actually very similar to how we grow up.

We are taught at an early age to look outside of us for approval from God, parents, teachers, ministers, peers and more. We apply this approach in all aspects of our lives because we know of no other alternative. The masters of the Far East teach introspection, and looking inside for answers instead of outside for approval. So the question becomes, what relevance does any of this have to finding a soulmate?

So what is a soulmate? The answer my child is any soul that you resonate with that supports you and your soul journey in such a way that both of you are returning to the heart of the divine creator. In order to align your soul to that of your soulmate you must first align your soul to that of creator. In order to align your soul to the creator you must move from outside approval to internal self love and acceptance. The greatest challenge for most of those searching is that they have failed to love themselves fully as the divine creator does. Our soulmate will arrive shortly after we stop searching for the answer outside and move into a pure deep and lasting knowingness that we are already unconditionally loved, and fully accepted by our divine creator.

When we acknowledge from our deepest heart that we have done nothing wrong and that we are here to serve all souls with equal unconditional love as the creator does, then we move our mindset away from approval and towards acceptance. When we operate our lives from a self loving space of unconditional acceptance of ourselves, we naturally recognize we are worthy. Worthy of what you say? You are worthy of all that you have been keeping at arm’s length from yourself because of a false belief system that taught you to look outside for approval.

Finding your soulmate is as far away as finding where you denied self love and unconditional acceptance of all of your thoughts, words and actions. Regret serves the purpose of teaching us to avoid hurting others again. Guilt serves the purpose of holding us to an outside authority for judgment. Your creator has spoken through all of his messengers that he is an unconditional loving God. Any message that professes other than that is a false message from a manmade source that originated to control the masses.

Wake up! You are a spark of the divine creator. Do you honestly think creator would not love itself? Release the programmed pattern of needing approval from the outside. Recognize that God is always in you. God has never been far from you, it is you that has been far away from God. Offer yourself forgiveness for all the self judgments, criticisms and negative mindsets you have accepted and choose now to love thyself free of judgments, as creator would. You are loved. You are blessed, you are worthy of a soulmate.


By admin

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