Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

One more thought of you is like another glass of wine,
You keep eating up my heart and making my soul sublime.
My mind is saturated with pages of you and me,
I cannot erase the pictures to make me see clearly.
My vision is blurred and I see everything in twos
But it’s both of us in view when I seriously deduce.

I floated in the clouds,
Broke all standing bounds.
More wine and more wine
And your face filled every space and line.
Forth and back I swayed,
Like the pines on a windy day delayed.
I was so drunk with your love to stupor
But I felt so good in the misdemeanor.

You keep eating up my heart: Love is a dangerous game. If you can, by all means keep your eyes open when playing it. So many have been killed by it and many more have been healed by it. Its divine nature has made it a tool in the hands of the faithful and even the infidel. The only love that will prove its worth is one that has its foundation laced with selflessness because many have chosen to give love because they receive same. If you will allow your heart to be consumed, let it be by the kind of love that seeks no interest in return.

But it’s just only us in view: When you truly love someone, your mind is full of him/her. You wake up and wonder what they are doing, whether they have eaten and most times everything seems to centre on them. Many just profess love but have never really fallen in it. If you don’t feel him/her like a second skin then check your feelings. It is more than you are so occupied with your career that’s why you don’t think of them. Love has time. It creates its own corner, its own space, and its own view.

I floated in the clouds: When you are in love, you tend to lose most of your personal decisions. It is no longer just you but you and your partner. The climax of a relationship entails that two shall become one. When you are alone, you could take fixed decision and keep your ideologies permanent but when there is another person or person(s) involved you need to float your ideas to the board and be ready to come to a compromise when there is need to merge the collective decisions. The rules always have to be flexible when there are other people with you, otherwise, you will be termed a dictator.

Like the pines on a windy day: Windy here symbolizes the action of speaking for longer than necessary and in a way that is not easily interpreted and understandable. Love sometimes exhibits this attribute. You just find out that all effort to interpret it becomes more complicated. Pines are evergreen, they keep the leaves fresh all through the year, and this is love itself for its fire never really dies. It can automatically turn fresh anytime you want it to be. It sways in any direction the wind blows it to, very obedient, very loyal, always waiting for you to take that bold step so it could move after you.

But I felt so good in the misdemeanor: The only good thing about misdemeanor is that it becomes an example to others. If you listen to the tales of people who have suffered heartbreaks and why it happened, you could avoid such in your relationship. Most of them will tell you when they were in blind love, they know something could be wrong but they just couldn’t help it. You must learn to guard your heart and define the basis of your affection at every stage of your association.


By admin

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