Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The idea is to use texting as a way of taking your partner away from the boring routines of his or her day and transport them into a fantasy world where the two of you are the only people there… where you can be completely open and honest with each other… where you can be unapologetically romantic and where you can be truly intimate and close, even if your schedules or work means you can’t spend as much time physically together as you like.

In a lot of ways, what I’m going to teach you is going to feel a lot like playing a “video game.” You’ll send out a text, see what kind of response you get and then pick your response based on your desires…

Every time you pick up your phone and start texting the person in your life, you should know EXACTLY what kind of response you’re trying to get out of them.

If you’re a woman, showing your man that you know what you want, that you aren’t afraid to ask for it and that you really admire him will have him grinning like the quarterback who just won the big game.

Guys Are Primarily VISUAL Creatures. You probably already know this. All it takes to get your average guy’s motor running is a picture of a girl in a bikini or something that vaguely resembles a girl in a bikini.

Guys respond to IMAGES. There are a lot of theories about WHY this is, most of them having to do with hunting dangerous creatures 10,000 years ago. But the fact is that for MOST guys images or visual language will get him feeling warm and fuzzy the minute you send your first text.

By “visual language” I mean words like “blue,” “bright,” “shiny,” “curve,” etc. Detail words that describe what he would SEE if what you’re describing to him was actually going to happen or was happening right now.

For example, when describing a scene to a guy you can say something like “You see a woman with her arms crossed over her chest, sweat slowly trickling down her cheek. She looks up with shockingly blue eyes. She stares right at you with a wide smile and says, ‘hot day, you want a Coke?’

You’re going to want to mix a good amount of visual language and visual storytelling into the texts you send.

Don’t limit yourself to JUST visual language. Many women use more detailed and emotional language, and they saw truly fantastic results.


By admin

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