Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

When you are with a new man this is the time to concentrate on getting to know him. The conversation should be light and not on the verge of interrogation. You should never ask extremely personal questions or allow them to be asked of you. Of course you may not be able to stop the first one, but should politely reply that you are uncomfortable to answer questions of personal nature since you have just met.

Never reveal details about past relationships on your first few dates even if he asks. Past relationships are over and you do not want someone to gain negative knowledge about you. Talking about others leaves them talking about you when you are not around.

Have class and integrity

The less you share about past relationships the better. Even if the past affairs ended because of what he did that made you leave. Bringing down someone’s character even if rightfully justified also reflects badly on you.

A man might think if he had a relationship with you and later broke up, is that the way you are going to talk about him. He might feel that it would be better not to take a chance on having a relationship with you just in case it didn’t work out. The last thing anyone wants is their reputation destroyed.

Heed the warning signs

If a man starts talking about his past relationships and has very negative things to say, you might also see it as the scenario in the last paragraph but this time your reputation could be a stake.

Even after you have gone together awhile it is still not a good idea to reveal all the ugly things of past relationships. In any relationship there are two people and not just one person is at fault for the demise of it ending. Not realizing at times how one has contributed to a relationship that has ended, can leave you to repeating it over and over.

Take time to avoid the hurt

Evaluate past relationships and learn from them. Think about the men and how they took your breath away when love was young. If you think back you might just notice something that wasn’t quite right or as they say ‘too good to be true’. How about the guy that said all the right things and was Mr. Wonderful, but somehow it all fell apart? Were there signs that you missed? Your friends might have warned you that things were not as they appeared to be.

Always being observant and aware

Never get caught up in the moment and tell all, it could take the relationship on a spiral downwards. Don’t reveal detailed information about past relationships. Keep one eye open to see that this person across from you in the restaurant does not have any of those warning signs you had missed in others.


By admin

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