Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

You have been dating this man and feel sure that he is the one you want to marry. Is he genuine and do you really know his true character?

Friends are a good indicator in seeing another person’s character which you don’t necessarily get to see. Surely you have heard of the old saying that ‘love is blind’. When we are too close to a situation no matter what it might be, we maybe fooled by what we don’t recognize.

How does he treat other people?

When we want to impress other people we are very cleaver at disguising who we really are. When no one that matters is around and you are upset do you treat others badly? That whether you like it or not is part of your character and one you should go about fixing.

Unfortunately it may not always be easy to find out if your boyfriend has a character flaw which could be a terrible nightmare for you. A good clue is to see how he treats people when you go to a restaurant or any other place like that. If the food is cold, takes too long, got the order wrong or any other scenario that might happen, does he over react? There is absolutely no reason to belittle someone because of an error. Put yourself in that situation of being the receiver of his complaint, did he handle it properly or would have you felt humiliated?

Try to watch and see how he reacts to people when he doesn’t think anybody is watching. Does he open the door for an elderly person or give someone a hand with a heavy load?

Does he control you?

How does he treat your friends or family? Does he like your friends? Does he enjoy being around your friends or family? Anyone that wants you to give up all your friends or most of them is trouble. Do you see less and less of your family now that he is in your life? The reason he gives is because he is more comfortable around his own family. Well that of course would be true but that is a childish and selfish behavior.

There was a young woman I knew that was with a guy that called her up every time she was with family and wondered when she was going to return. He started cutting her off from her friends and little by little he had her under control. She broke of the engagement and moved out. For some stupid reason she went back to him. One day he had her by the throat and she thought he was going to kill her. She managed to end the situation and threw everything in her car and left for good that time.

Finding out who he really is

Better to find out who this person is before you marry him. When we no longer try to impress people with who we really are, is when everyone sees our true character. The question is can you live with what you find out?


By admin

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