Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Have you often wondered how to tell when a woman is ready for sex? Do you wish there was a foolproof method by which to know when to take things up a notch? Have you had embarrassing experiences where you moved too fast and the woman wasn’t ready? You have come to the right place! Read on and you will become more knowledgeable about how to tell when she is ready for sex and thus, minimize your chances of embarrassment.

1. The signs of her body. If she is doing the following, she is ready for sex… or getting there!

• Licking her lips.
• Playing with her hair.
• Touching you quite often.
• Looking straight into your eyes.
• Leaning into you.

2. Explore with a kiss. A kiss will tell everything. If she is ready, she will be giving you the works, tongue, saliva, and all, pressing her body into yours.

3. She talks about sex. This indicates a readiness on her part. The rest is up to you about the when, why, and where of it all.

Just to let you know, casual sex doesn’t leave anyone feeling great. Men fall asleep and feel empty the next morning; women feel guilty and “used”. You seldom read stories from women or letters to agony aunts about how wonderful it is to have casual sex. Sex is something to be enjoyed by a committed couple. People these days tend to finish off everything too fast.

There is much to be said for savoring the pleasure. If a person wants instant gratification, they can do it by themselves. The tendency to have sex too fast and too often is what is corroding human nature and society.

If you can show that you are the exception to the rule, that you are not like the other men who have only sex on the brain and anyone will do, you will stand out and have much more value as a person. Really, studies have shown that there is not too much of a difference between men and women: everyone only wants to feel that they matter, to form deep connections.

There is a growing trend these days wherein more and more couples are waiting until they do the “act”. This heightens everything and draws it out. Savour the waiting and then both of you will be ready and willing and it will be magical.

For sure you feel better equipped in this matter of detecting when a woman is ready for sex. Make her wait: aren’t you a prize?


By admin

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