Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Is the honeymoon over? Are you looking for creative and unique ways to express your love for your partner? Perhaps the passion just needs some rekindling. Many couples experience this very same problem, especially if you’ve been together for a long time. It’s understandable that some Friday nights might just end up at the supermarket, or on the couch with pizza and a movie. I’m not saying that nights alone together can’t be romantic. But, let’s be honest. We all need a little more from time to time. If not, we could end up on the couch alone.

Most couples would agree that relationships can reach a certain stage where we become ‘comfortable’ with our partner, almost to the point of being too comfortable; predictable; maybe even boring! So if this sounds like your relationship, and all you have left are a few sparks, then it’s time to try turning those sparks into flames, while there’s still time.

Communication and mutual understanding are crucial in order for couples to make it past the “honeymoon” stage. What happens so often is that couples lose respect for each other; they lose that need for each other in order to reach their common goals. It can mean the difference between growing into a mature couple, or growing apart, where far too many lovers are left with broken hearts and disbelief.

The pressures of everyday life can leave many couples with so little time for romance, but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. There are so many little things we can do to be more spontaneous and romantic. Below are just a few of the ideas you can find in a book I stumbled upon, 101 Romantic Ideas. I personally tried a few myself, and I’m glad I did.

Sometimes it’s the little things that can make all the difference in the world. One of the simplest, most effective ways I know is romantic notes. Personally I love getting them. It lets me know that my partner is thinking of me, sometimes in very romantic ways, depending on what the note says. Wink, wink!! You can put the notes in a place where your partner will find them while they’re at work, or leave them in their lunch bag, or a gym bag, if they carry one. Try to be creative in coming up with ideas and places where you can leave them. Romantic cards are great too.

Date nights are another great way to reconnect. Plan them in advance and make a commitment to keep the date. No cancellations. Then, if possible, go to a place you haven’t been to since you first started dating. Once you’re there don’t talk about the kids, work, or any other problems you share every day. Try and forget about everything and just reminisce. Hold hands, cuddle, try to recall your first date together.

Communication is vital to any relationship. Be willing to express, with honesty, your feelings; your fears. If something is bothering you, don’t wait until it builds up inside of you. You’ve got to get it out, lest you end up exploding with anger and saying things you regret. Romance can’t live here! So be open and honest, and encourage your partner to do the same.

Be grateful and appreciative of all of your partner’s good qualities. Tell them often how much you love them, and remember all those things that made you fall in love in the first place. There’s no reason why the ‘honeymoon’ can’t last forever.

This is an old standby, yet it’s still very effective. Get some romantic candles, put them all around the bathroom and fill the tub with bubble bath. Then let your partner relax and enjoy the peace and quiet. (Unless of course they ask you to join them)!

One more thing, if you do have a fight, apologize quickly, and whatever you do don’t pull away from your partner. Remember that they will also be feeling bad. Move towards them and re-connect as soon as possible.

The goal here is to try to rekindle those awesome feelings of love that you both felt for each other in the beginning of your relationship. This can be a great opportunity to re-discover each other all over again.

If you’re looking for more ways to improve yourself and your relationships, than I encourage you to visit Jody’s website. There you will find plenty of articles, videos and lots of inspiration on relationships, love, laughter, and most importantly, how to love YOU first.


By admin

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