Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

If you do not know how to stop premature ejaculating, sex can be a nightmare and the most embarrassing experience in your life.

To stop the nightmare, you must learn how to stop premature ejaculating and say no to any more nightmares.

These are some of the easiest ways on how to stop premature ejaculating.

First, use condom

When you have sex, you will feel an intense pleasure on your penis. This pleasure will lead you to the point of no return earlier than you expected or desired if you are not strong enough to control your ejaculation.

To stop premature ejaculation, you need to reduce the pleasure that your penis is going through during sex. The easiest way is by wearing a condom.

Condom acts as the “mitigating medium” between the vagina and your penis. This could reduce the sensational pleasure during sex. This will enable you to last longer in bed and ejaculate only when you are ready.

Second, masturbate properly

One of the uncommon answers to the question of how to stop premature ejaculating is “through proper masturbation”.

There are 2 approaches to this method.

The easiest one is to masturbate and allow yourself to ejaculate half an hour before the actual sex. After you have had your first ejaculation, you will be able to withhold the subsequent ejaculation for a longer time during sex. That will help preventing premature ejaculation and enable you to last longer in bed.

Another approach is by doing a masturbating exercise on a regular basis to stop premature ejaculating. This exercise is known as “rub and stop” exercise.

In this exercise, you start masturbating by rubbing (or get your partner to masturbate) your penis until you feel highly stimulated and nearly ejaculate.

But right before you ejaculate, stop rubbing or masturbating and allow the stimulation to soften down. Repeat the “rub and stop” exercise for a few times before finally allowing ejaculation to take place.

How to stop premature ejaculating through this exercise? Well, the theory is very simple.

You would not be able to control something which you do not know. What this exercise does is to help you recognizing the intense feeling or stimulation that leads to ejaculation.

Once you “know” and “are aware” how it feels right before ejaculation, you then take steps to stop that “feeling” from leading you to ejaculation before it is too late. That is why you are required to stop rubbing or masturbating when you feel that the ejaculation is nearing.

During real sex, you will be able to last longer in bed using the same approach –

a) thrust until you are nearing the point of no return

b) stop to let the feeling fade away and the stimulation to soft down

c) thrust again

d) when you are ready, only you allow ejaculation to take place

Third, slow down your breaths

Slow down your breath is another way on how to stop premature ejaculating.

Breathing is something we do unconsciously with little knowledge that a wrong breathing method can actually lead to premature ejaculation.

If you notice, during sex, one tends to get very excited and highly stimulated. During that state, one’s heart beats faster than ever and breathes fast and shallowly.

The problem is, when you breathe fast, the blood pumps in a fast mode as well causing a great amount of blood gushing towards your penis. This will lead to an early ejaculation.

So, the key is to breathe slowly and deeply during sex. That will put stimulation and ejaculation at bay until you are ready.

Now, these are some of the easiest methods on how to stop premature ejaculating. The decision is now in your hand whether to take action and stop the embarrassment now or to let your early ejaculation problem continue haunting you.


By admin

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