Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

let’s look at 7 things you need to think about:

1. Intention

What’s your real interest in male chastity? Are you just going to play at it every now and then or are you seriously committed to the idea of wearing it for long periods of time with no release?

The answer to this will be one of the main factors in your eventual choice because, by and large, the longer you intend to be wearing it, the higher quality it has to be to cope with the various demands of ‘real life’.

Also consider starting out simple and relatively cheap – you don’t want to spend a fortune on a custom made device only to find chastity isn’t as pleasurable as you thought it was going to be.

2. Cost

Some people complain that the higher-end chastity belts and devices are ‘expensive’. My own view is you might do better to think of it in terms of value not cost. If you truly crave chastity and it’s your deepest fantasy, then it’s perhaps worth investing a substantial sum of money in a belt or chastity device that actually works for you.

See my point above about starting out with a cheaper model.

3. Security

No device can ever be 100{0d344128b9dc3e1b34e90cc80856d1b8d47f216c439c96543b7bb0e9f3734051} secure. But some are more secure than others. For example, unless you have a device or belt that’s held in place with a piercing, like a Prince Albert, it’s highly likely with a lot of lube and effort and some discomfort, you will be able to escape without injury.

So a more secure chastity device requires more commitment, usually in the form of a piercing and a more expensive design.

4. Comfort

You read dumb stories about women who want their men to suffer pain and discomfort in a chastity belt. Trust me, you don’t want this at all. The long and the short of it is if your belt isn’t comfortable, you won’t wear it (never mind the possibility of long-term damage).

And if you’re not wearing it, you’re not getting the chastity you so badly crave.

5. Safety

Following on from comfort is safety. Some devices are inherently dangerous, and some are dangerous simply because of poor build-quality.

While you expect a little soreness and chafing at first, a chastity device ought to be so comfortable you don’t really know you’re wearing it and you ought not to be getting cuts and abrasions. If you are, then you are potentially taking a risk.

Ensure you inspect yourself at least once a week, and give any injuries and sores time to heal properly.

6. Convenience

Some chastity belts and devices are almost impossible to get on and off; others are easy. And it seems the ease of these two activities has no correlation to security.

The point is this: if you’re playing the game in a way that means you’re often out of your device for teasing and pleasing, then you’re going to want it to be convenient.

If it’s not, then you’ll quickly stop wearing it – and that once more means you’re not playing the game you want to play.

7. Aesthetics

Finally we have aesthetics. This can be very important, especially for the woman who has to look at you locked up. If your device looks laughable then it can take some of the fun out of it all; if it’s just plain ugly, then it might turn her off completely.

Everyone has different tastes. I love to see my husband, John, in a secure but minimal stainless steel cage; some women like to see their men in a full belt. There is no right or wrong answer – only what works for you both.


Choosing a chastity device can be surprisingly stressful, and there are no real shortcuts. It can take you several (sometimes expensive) attempts to find the right device for you, but on balance it’s worth it.

The 7 tips I’ve given you above should make it a lot easier, although there are other things you need to consider, too, in terms of your attitude and your wife’s attitude.

It’s not the case you can simply put on a belt or device and expect everything to work out for the best all by itself.


By admin

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