Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why do most women prefer a guy who has a larger-than-average penis? Is it because a guy can provide a woman more pleasure during sex if he’s well endowed with a long and thick member, or are there other reasons?

In my opinion, it’s both.

I’m in a unique position because not only have I had sex with dozens of women, but due to the fact that I went through a penis enlargement program in my mid twenties, I have had sex with dozens of women as a smaller-than-average guy (5.5 inches) and as a well endowed guy (8 inches). What I can tell you is that I do notice a huge difference in the amount of pleasure I give my partners between when I was small and now that I’m hung. Back then, probably less than 25{0d344128b9dc3e1b34e90cc80856d1b8d47f216c439c96543b7bb0e9f3734051} of the women I slept with I was even able to give an orgasm through intercourse alone. Now, not only does it happen with just about every girl, but their orgasms are strong, powerful, and intense.

I’ve asked women why that is, and there are a couple things that they tell me. One, because my penis is about an inch and a half longer than average, I can hit spots deep within a woman that other guys can’t, and when I thrust in and out of her, my thrusts are longer and more satisfying and create more friction per stroke. I also am thicker than average, so unlike smaller guys, I can stimulate a woman’s clitoris (which is located outside of the vagina) through intercourse without even trying.

In addition to a big penis helping me with the mechanics of sex, it is also an advantage from an aesthetic standpoint. I get oral sex from a lot more women now because they are turned on by the sight of my large, thick penis. They love to wrap their hands around it (yes, I mean both hands) as well as their lips. A short, stubby penis just doesn’t do it for a lot of women visually, I’m sorry to say!

With all that said, there are some reasons outside of sex itself that women tend to go for guys with larger penises. One of them is pop culture. As cruel as it is to smaller guys, references to penis size are everywhere these days! Go to a stand-up comedy routine, watch any comedy movie, or any hit show on TV and you’ll see them. Listen to any rap or R&B song and chances are, you’ll either hear some guy bragging about the size of his member or some girl making a reference to how she likes guys with large ones. The prevalence of penis size in pop culture in a way brainwashes women from a young age to think that a guy is more of a man if he’s well endowed.

There’s also the confidence factor. I’m much more confident in general now that I’m well endowed. This helps me greatly with women. In fact, a lot of the women I’m getting now that I wasn’t getting 8 years ago, I attribute it more to my increased confidence than to my increased penis size! Most experts on dating and relationships will tell you that confidence is the number one factor for guys in determining how successful they are in the dating game. It ranks ahead of looks, money, career, and even penis size. The problem is, it’s hard to have confidence to begin with when you’re below average in any of those other areas! Increasing my penis size increased something even more important, my confidence!


By admin

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