Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The New Year or any time is always a good time to reflect upon what changes you’d like to make in your life in order to live as optimally as possible.  A lot of focus gets put on improved health habits impacting the physical body like new exercise programs, diet changes or cleanses.  I encourage you to consider the ways in which your emotional health can be improved.

You may be clear you could benefit from an emotional health reset.  If so, that’s a great start.  Many don’t have that awareness and they charge through life operating in a conditioned way, not realizing if they just stopped and looked a little more deeply at themselves, there may be some good answers.  Knowledge can be a gateway to change.

Here are some indicators you might want to stop and take a closer look:

  • You frequently feel sad or down.
  • You struggle with worries or fears.
  • You have high levels of stress you’re not managing well.
  • Anger easily overtakes you.
  • You are driven by perfectionism.
  • Unhealthy relationships are the norm.
  • You don’t feel very resilient.
  • There is an awareness that old wounds hold you back.

The last several years have been tough in various ways for people.  Aside from that, there are the challenges that can come with the very act of living.  When it comes to emotional health, the most important thing is to at least have some awareness of where you are with yours.  If you’re concerned you’re a bit shaky, the next step would be acting on that awareness and doing something to improve it.

My name is Lisa Brookes Kift and I’m a therapist in private practice in California and the Founder of  For many years, this site has been a growing library of emotional health and relationship content which overlaps my work as a therapist with individuals and couples seeking happiness within themselves and their relationships.

I recently recorded my first live webinar about emotional health.  In the hour long presentation, I discussed my “eight pillars of emotional health,” providing a framework around which to know yourself on a deeper level and have the tools you need to handle stress, self-esteem challenges, change and other things that commonly come for people.

Those who attended did so for free and the webinar is now available for purchase in my store.  Learn more about how you can reset and thrive in  Jump-Start Your Emotional Health.  The next one will be in a similar format about relationships.  Until then!

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