Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Life can be funny and paradoxical at times and if you are really eager to get a girlfriend, you may be making it harder on yourself just because you want one so badly. Most guys don’t realize that having an overly eager attitude about the fact that they want to attract a woman into their life is exactly what is preventing that from actually happening. It may sound paradoxical, but the more eager you are to get a woman, the harder you really may be making things out for yourself. You may want to tone down your eagerness just a bit.

Why would this be a good thing to do?

Well, for one, when you are too eager to attract women, most women can sense that attitude coming from you and the impression that they can get is that you really don’t have a lot going for you. Otherwise, you would already be in a relationship. It can be bad to come across like you are having a hard time clicking with women, because that tends to make other women wonder why that is.

Another thing that often happens when you are too excited about attracting a woman is, you don’t usually have much of any standard and that can also lead to you ending up with the wrong woman. As hard as it may be to admit it, it usually is better to be single than it is to end up dating the wrong woman. When you are single, at least you have the chance of meeting the right woman one day. When you are involved with the wrong woman, you don’t have that luxury because you are “off” the market.

What is a better approach if you really would like to have a girlfriend?

Well, for one you may want to try and see what it is like to date around a little bit. That way, you get to meet many women and you can get a much better idea of what kind of woman really seems to be right for you. You also may want to build up your attraction skills so that you end up having an easier time with attracting women and you will give yourself many more opportunities that way.

Overall, though, you just want to come across like a guy who does have value and standards and who is not really desperate to be in a relationship. If you can give off that impression, you should find that it is a lot easier for you to get dates with women and end up in a relationship.


By admin

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