Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

If you have one best friend you are lucky. If you have at least a couple of best friends then you are blessed, but when you have several or many best friends then you must be a true friend.

TRUE Friendship is based on… TRUST that’s built from HONESTY, while LOYALTY stems from INTEGRITY, and RESPECT is the ultimate spice! Have these traits and characters in YOURSELF and with your friends and you have the formula of a TRUE Friendship that will last a Lifetime!

I want to surround myself with best friends. Having true best friends means I never have to worry about turning my back towards them and feeling vulnerable. With a best friend there is total utmost respect for each other. I’ve found that in any relationship whether it be in business, family, marriage or friends, once the respect is gone then there’s no longer a relationship. And once the respect has been broken and compromised it’s very difficult to get it back, if you ever do. I feel that respect is the most important factor for any relationship to flourish. In my observations, there is actually more respect present in best friends than there is in most marriages, family members, friends and co-workers.

A true sign of having a best friend is during an emergency or in a time of need. I call them flat tire friends as they are always there for you not just when you get a flat tire or need help but any time you need them, even if you just need an ear or a sounding board. When you’re in need and you call them they don’t ask why or contemplate and find excuses. They drop what they’re doing and they are there for you.

Years ago when I lived in Fairfield, California a friend who was stationed in and just came back from Korea called me at 10 pm and asked me to pick him up. I asked him when and where? He replied “right now in Los Angeles, California. I didn’t ask why or tell him to take a flight or a train or a bus. I asked for the address and told him to wait for me and that I’m on my way. I then called another best friend and told him I was on my way to L.A. to pick up a friend and without questions or hesitation he said come pick me up and we went on our way. One of my other best friends from Virginia Beach, Virginia came to California to visit me one summer. She told me her best friend lived in Las Vegas and asked me to drive her there. The next day we were on a twelve hour drive to visit her friend… Now that’s TRUE friendship!

Not everyone knows how to be a best friend even when they say they are. Best friends are unconditional, reciprocal and not a tit for tat arrangement.

So remember this…

TRUE Friendship is based on… TRUST that’s built from HONESTY, while LOYALTY stems from INTEGRITY, and RESPECT is the ultimate spice! Have these traits and characters in YOURSELF and with your friends and you have the formula of a TRUE Friendship that will last a Lifetime!


By admin

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