Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

So you want to meet women in bars? You have your Martini in hand, tuxedo freshly pressed and your highly polished diamond earring is glistening in the disco ball. The limousine is stocked full of champagne and you are about to set foot on the pavement with your $500 calf leather loafers. You step into the venue and suddenly you find the walls pulling you onto them like some hidden magnet. Pinning you to its surface, and when you finally break free you end up facing the bar like every other chump waiting for a drink. By the time you get served your drink too much time has passed and girls who have seen you have pigeon holed you as the same loser that lines up the bar then strangely gravitates to the walls where you will be doomed to blue balls for the rest of the night. Sound familiar? Yeah I was one of them. Now I’ll give you the most effective way to meet women in bars and take the guess work out for you.

The way to meet women in a bar is not to act like every other guy does when they enter the club.

Here’s the way I do it, and my god you will be thankful for this advice as I have had to learn the hard way. The trick is to be different to all the other guys in the bar. You need to be one of the highest socially valuable males there and here’s how to do it.

First when you arrive, talk to the bouncers! They won’t bite you. Bouncers are actually pretty lonely guys and really love to talk about all the interesting things that happen to them. So take advantage of that, ask them questions about their line of work and listen to what they have to say. Don’t ever expect the royal treatment just because they are talking to you. If they happen to let you through the VIP line, then this is a sure sign that you have earned their respect. Congratulations you are now different from the other guys.

Another way to meet women in bars and be the highest socially valuable male is to talk with people. Yes, talk to everyone. As soon as you step out your front door you need to be talking with people and getting your social juice flowing. Everyone you walk past must be spoken to. As soon as you enter the venue start talking with people, anyone ans everyone!

When you approach the bar, (this is probably where the most people are likely to be), approach a group of girls and open them. This sets you apart from all the other males in the venue. You can open a random set of girls as soon as you walk in. How amazing! Women will pick up on this from around the room and start wondering about you.

The final piece of the puzzle is how you go about opening these groups of girls so you don’t get rejected, and how you act in that group of girls so that you can disarm them, have a fun time and make the room notice you.

The way to open a group of girls in a club is to use a funny, rhetorical ( you don’t actually need their opinion it just sounds like a question), self-mocking opener that basically parodies women and their psychology.

The way you can act to get the rooms attention and disarm the girls you are with is to be ambiguous with your sexuality. This means using lines, mannerisms and phrases that gay men use. I don’t mean going overboard, but if you are a certain personality type then you can act flamboyant and get away with it. You want to straddle the line of sexuality. You can even suddenly switch gears into alpha male mode and confuse them even more. Then you go back into your slightly gay, flamboyant mode and they feel more comfortable. Women absolutely adore gay men and find them adorable, funny and very comforting.

Use these strategies to meet women in a bar tonight and enjoy the results that are sure to follow with practise.


By admin

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