Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Knowing how to flirt with eye contact is a key skill to getting good with women. Remember what your mother said to you when you were a boy “Don’t stare at strangers?” Well today you are going to forget that statement ever existed, because its time to start staring at strangers.

This one piece of advice is worth so much to you that I cannot overstate the importance of this. If you don’t know how to look at a girl with your eyes, you are finished. That’s right, you might as well not open your mouth if you cant look a girl in her eyes at least for a few seconds. Yes that’s right a few seconds, or more. To some guys this is an eternity, and is one of the biggest hurdles to get over on your route to success with women. Flirting with good eye contact is so important that if you get good at it, then most of your work is done. Allowing you to pre-screen women across a crowded club, cutting through the barriers so that you can determine if a girl likes you or not.

In fact, I recommend only talking to girls in clubs that you have first made eye contact with to absolutely guarantee your best shot with that one girl. I wont go into too much detail on this as it’s covered in club game tactics, but your best way to open girls in clubs is with your eyes.

How to do it?

For starters you must be comfortable with your eyes. If you have dark rings, red veins or other crappy features that you have control over, get it fixed asap! The eyes are your secret weapon, (no its not your “you know what”). Girls love guys eyes much more than we give them credit for. More than any other physical feature that a man possess. You get extra credit if you have nice shaped eyes, long eye lashes or unusual eye colours, girls will comment on them all the time.
Now you must relax your eyes. We don’t want any startled open eyes like your scared your going to be attacked. Just let your eye lids hang normally. Try not to over blink or not blink at all as these are signs of nervousness. If you lack confidence I recommend this product to help you so that you can be totally confident with your eye contact, as this is the foundation of being successful with women.

Now when you are having a conversation with a women, just let your eyes haze over and focus your eyes on her whole face. I don’t do the whole “triangle” thing where you look at three points around her eyes, this makes me feel uncomfortable. Just go into a trance like state where you are not focusing on anything in particular, kind of like when you see someone daydreaming, notice that far away look in their eyes. Well you do that except you are still looking at the girl you are talking to.

Now for the difficult part, making initial eye contact with a really hot women:

OK so you see a girl in the club. She is side on to you, she couldn’t possibly notice you looking at her. Well guess what, now is the right time to start looking at her, not her boobs, not her bum, her eyes. Lock eye contact and just keep it there. Do not look away. Do not look at another girl. If someone talks to you, ignore them. Lock on and don’t let it go. She will notice you I promise. Now here’s the important part. When she turns her head to see who the hell has the balls to lock eyes with her for so long, your task is to maintain your eye contact with her eyes the whole time. Lock eyes with her and do not let it go. She MUST be the one to look away first or you are done. Got that. If you look away first you are the less dominant one, and she will cross you off her list.

Once she looks away you now have two choices. You can go approach her depending on the response she gave you or you can wait to see if she locks eyes with you again. Which one you choose depends on a number of factors and is discussed in the articles on club game.

Flirting with solid eye contact is an essential part of the seduction process, and can lead to more success and fewer rejections. Make sure you using great eye contact on attractive women and you should start to see positive results.


By admin

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