Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Going from girlfriend to fiancee need not be a painful humbling experience. No women wants to feel she is begging a man to marry her. Wondering if he really wants you as his wife. It doesn’t have to be this way. You can have the man of your dreams without being manipulative or engaging in trickery. A relationship in which you and your soul mate have a deep love for each other. A love that evolves over time into a commitment that will last a life time.

If you want this time honored and sought after type of romance it is best to avoid engaging in certain actions in order to get a man to marry you.. While these may seem to be the right course of action or at the very least a harmless way to speed the relationship along they can produce disastrous results that can end a budding relationship that just needed some simple nurturing and care in order to blossom into a full fledged relationship.

Avoid the following which could be fatal to your relationship.

Avoid drooping hints in public, especially when he is present about how much you would like to get married or how much you want him to ask you to marry him. This only puts him in an awkward position which can cause him to resent you. Any thoughts he had of asking you to marry him might be put on hold if he hears through the grapevine how much you are wanting to get married. Guys don’t like to be told what to do and will usually dig in their heels especially when it comes to something such as proposing.

Avoid trying to figure him out. It is okay to discuss what may be holding him back from taking the relationship to the next level but trying to solve all his problems is defiantly not a good idea. You can only do some much to show him how happy you would be with him or how much you love him. Even if it hurts you will sometimes have to step back and let him work through certain issues on his own.

Avoid giving him an ultimatum. This rarely works and most guys resent this type of veiled threat. If you are unhappy with the relationship it’s okay to express your feelings but telling him he must do a certain thing or else is usually very counterproductive. Even if he does give in to your demands in the short term this puts the relationship on a crumbling foundation, one that can give away when problems appear or conflicts must be resolved.

Avoid withholding things from him. The first thing most women think of is sex. However it could be any number of things such as refusing to go to a family get together or some other activity you know he enjoys and wants to include you in. Men are more perceptive than we give them credit for and may see a pattern developing that they wants no part of. It’s a no win situation for him and something he will probably want to avoid at all costs.

There may be some very legitimate reasons why your man hasn’t proposed to you yet. One of the biggest mistakes many women make is assuming that the guy just isn’t interested in them. Many times nothing could be further from the truth.

Stop focusing on how your man see’s you and start getting to know the real man. Many times when a woman does this she begins to see what is really holding him back and can work to overcome any objections or fears he has about marriage.


By admin

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