Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Congratulations for having found your ideal man. And now you want him to propose, it’s obvious that you know him well and he knows you too. You have already discussed about finances, extended family obligations, children, etc. haven’t you. You really should if you haven’t.

But the truth is, you can never force him to marry you. To be honest, you don’t possess that power. But yes, women are powerful and there really is so much that they can accomplish. Getting a man to propose against his will is far much beyond your powers.

But this should not worry you. The good news is that you can make him interested in the idea of proposing. But how can you do it? Simply make him dependent to the extent that he can’t live without you. Become his most adored friend. You can do this by showing that you care about his dreams and hopes. Encourage him, show him that you believe in him, and show him love, faults and all.

Your man will also want to be in charge. Well, they like thinking they are in charge. A smart woman will let her man think that he is in charge. This is a game, but it’s an exciting game that women and men play. You surely like playing games, don’t you? But of course you do like winning.

What else? Ensure he feels comfortable in you company. Don’t reprimand him in case he spills something or drops something on the floor. Assume it was an accident. Okay? He ought to have been more careful prior to leaping out of his seat or falling on the sofa from his busy day. You might be pissed and you might want to blow off his head. But let’s face it, you just started and you still want to get married.

In fact, you don’t want to know how to make him want you, how to keep him or even how to make him love you. What you need to learn are the simple tricks that you can pull to actually make a man want to kneel down and pop the question; will you marry me? Basically, you need to discover how to get him to propose.

But remember never mention to him about marriage. Try to indirectly discuss your girlfriends with him, how they get along with their boyfriends. Or, you can simply discuss about how your married friends are doing, or not doing to get along.

Now, if you are passing by a jewelry store, you can try to show him the kind of engagement ring that you think are cut. Note that this doesn’t necessarily imply you want him to propose. No, this can be too far from your mind, but at least that is what you suggest Now, he knows that you won’t reject if he asks.

Finally, the other important point to remember is to get thrilled and surprised. Even if you are sure that he is going to ask, make him feel good about having you. He might as well change his mind, save the ring and give it to someone else. You don’t want that to happen, do you?

While there are a lot of fish out there to catch remember that you are the best fisherman, aren’t you?


By admin

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