Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

I know why you are scared of women. Many men who need help attracting women are scared of failure, which is known as approach anxiety. The first step to overcoming your approach anxiety is to understand its origins. Often, this is because they have failed in the past and are now hesitant to try again. Additionally, society has primed us for failure with women. They have told us it is wrong to objective women. They have told us monogamy is the only way. And they have told us the nice guy gets the girl – well, none of that mess is true.

If you are a guy who is scared of failure, you need to snap yourself out of it and start acting like a man. So what, are you going to let that 115 lbs girl intimidate you? I mean, she can not do anything without you – she can not move the fridge, she can not change your alternator on your truck, and she can not physically hurt you (excluding weapons of course). Being scared of failure will only affect all your current skills and any skills you may learn when it comes to attracting and picking up women. So you need to put this possibility of not succeeding out of your head!

First, understand that even the best pick up artists fail. No one gets the girl each and every time. That only happens in the movies. When it comes to the dating game, rejection is inevitable. However, the more you try, the more likely you are to succeed. Coincidentally, the more you try, the better you will become, increasing your chances of success. So really, it’s all about trying. This is what can set apart good pick up artists from bad ones.

Second, accept the fact that you will fail, and when you do, you shouldn’t feel like giving up. Don’t take rejection personally. There are probably a lot of other factors that led this girl to turning you down. Instead, think of each of those attempts as a chance to learn from your mistakes. Often, the best way to perfect something (anything really) is to learn exactly what it is you did wrong when you did it the first time. Try to analyze exactly where you went wrong, and learn from your mistakes.

That brings us to number three, which is to recognize that you will always have to adjust your game. No one’s game is going to be flawless and perfect forever and ever. You will always have to adjust your game according to the woman, to the changing times, to culture, etc. Knowing how and when to adjust your game and knowing when to accept defeat is a good thing, and learning from your failures will help you adjust said game, making you more effective, and ultimately, setting you apart from other guys.


By admin

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