Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Using conversation starters will overcome that awkward silence that so often happens when we are shy or nervous. Starting a conversation with a stranger can be daunting but it doesn’t have to be impossible. Every conversation runs its course in a similar way: making first contact, introductions, speaking with each other and then ending the conversation – hopefully with plans to meet again.

To start or begin a conversation is often scary but it doesn’t have to be after reading this helpful article on conversation starters.

Some conversations begin easily whilst others seem as if they are hard work. Having a good idea of great questions that start a conversation will help you avoid problems the next time you try to begin a conversation. Many people put far too much pressure on themselves by thinking that whenever they strike up a conversation with someone they don’t know, what they say has to be witty or brilliant. The key to being successful is to focus on how you engage with the other person. Giving energy to the conversation and being interested is what makes the connection. Once you accept this starting conversations will come easily to you.

Imagine this. You have arrived at a business networking meeting and the room is already crowded. People are standing around in groups and the noise is deafening. You feel daunted. How do you make a connection with all these confident, amusing and chatting people?

You stop, take a look around the room and find others just like you. You know the type. They are clutching their drink and looking everywhere and not making eye contact – you used to be one of them! You walk calmly up to them with your hand extended and introduce yourself.

And then you use a conversation starter by asking something like this: “did you have any trouble finding the venue?” or, “Gee the traffic was at a standstill and it took ages to find a park” How did you manage to get here so early?” or even “Lovely venue they chose for this event. What do you think?”. Remember to smile and introduce yourself too! Before you know it you are one of those confident people who know how to make conversation successfully!

Keep in mind also, that the friends you have now once were strangers too. At some point in time first words passed between you and your friends, barriers were broken and, in time, friendship was kindled. Whenever you find yourself in that awkward conversation moment, when you know you should be talking but seem frozen without an idea of how to begin, try to start by thinking about your friends.

Not all conversations with strangers will be memorable or even fun. There will be some that are dull and boring – like pulling teeth. But for the most part, people who find themselves stuck with you in a one on one conversation situation will be as anxious as you are to make it work.

Finally, the most powerful way to keep a conversation going is simply to ask questions that the other person is interested in answering and then doing a great deal of listening.


By admin

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