Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

How do you get a boyfriend to open up to you? This may be the question you’re asking yourself when you noticed something is up with your man. Call it woman’s intuition, but you feel like he’s holding something back. He seems preoccupied or maybe he’s just worried about something.

Sometimes, when things are going so well, we’re afraid to share our thoughts because we feel insecure if we share something negative. It’s worse if other people are doing it to us. But when it comes to how do you get a boyfriend to open up to you, the answer is simple. You need to accept the fact that honesty is your best option.

So what’s the first step?

The first thing you should do is avoid saying things that would make him shut down or lie. Here are a few things to keep mind:

· Never say “we need to talk”

· Avoid relationship conversation while riding in a car because he might feel trapped and become irritable

· Do not start a serious talk before or after sex because men would be sexually frustrated and would only end up lying through their teeth

Men hate talking about their feelings is nothing more than a myth. The truth is that men are capable of opening up and sharing their thoughts and emotions. What most women don’t know is that men sees hidden tension or emotional intensity as “drama” he doesn’t need. They don’t like this drama so they would withdraw and clam up.

So what do you need to do?

You need to make him feel comfortable so that he will feel safe with you. If he sees that you are able to express your feelings in a non-judgmental way, then it will be easier for him to open up. In other words, you need to stop bottling up those negative emotions and pretending to feel confident. He will sense that you’re only pretending and this will make him feel uneasy. How can he be honest with you if he feels uneasy?

Another thing you need to figure out is how your boyfriend likes to communicate. Is he a visual person or an audible person? If you think he’s not good at talking, then how about writing him a letter instead? He could be a physical person and prefers to communicate through touch. Trying out different mediums of communication could be very helpful as well.

So how do you get a boyfriend to open up to you?

You need to try different things and you also need to be patient and honest. It’s hard to talk about what’s bothering you so if you want him to fess up, then you’re going to have to do your best to make him feel comfortable. You need to stop pretending that you yourself are okay when you’re obviously not because he can sense if you’re lying to him. You need to say the right things at the right time so that he won’t clam up and bury his emotions even deeper.


By admin

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