Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

As you are already probably well aware, you can’t just expect to sign up to an online dating site or go on to a social networking site and immediately find someone that you can go out on a date with. Just like with any option that does not have to deal with the internet, you are going to have to find a way to win over a woman with your personality and your charm. For that reason, it’s good to know a little bit about how to flirt with a woman online. Guys who know how to do this will see a lot more success than the ones that don’t.

Here are 3 suggestions for how to flirt with a woman online that do work:

1) Check out her profile to see her interests and make a funny comment based on that.

When you see something that is a little bit amusing to you or something that you can make fun of a woman in a playful way, go for it. For example, you scan a woman’s profile and see that she is still a Harry Potter fan and that’s funny to you. So, you send her a little message that is playful and kind of makes fun of her for liking that, but not in a hurtful way. That kind of thing usually works to get a good, light hearted conversation going on.

2) Make a thoughtful comment about one of her photos.

As you probably already know or will see right away, most of the comments that guys make on a woman’s picture are either lewd or lame. They either make a horrible attempt at talking dirty online or they say something generic like, “you’re pretty.” Why not do something a little bit different and make some thoughtful comment, one that shows that you are actually paying attention and not trying to be some kind of an online pick up artist?

3) Find one topic that she seems to be interested about and get her talking.

People like to talk about the things that they are passionate about and showing someone that you do have an interest in their passion is a good thing. If you see that a woman is passionate about animals, for example, you can ask her questions that will lead to her talking about that passion and that is a good way to make her feel a sense of rapport with you.


By admin

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