Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

As a young lady with the dream of having a family as early as 18 or 20 years old, you’ve probably said many times, “I want to get married young.” And of course to achieve that goal, you need to find a willing partner, a man who wants to marry you at that age. Based on the statistics in this day and age though, having that happen is easier said than done.

One of the biggest reasons why marriage happens less often and women stay single longer is because they have difficulty getting their boyfriends to propose. The other reason is because so many couples find themselves missing out on the keys to making a marriage last. Therefore the divorce rate escalates and that sets the example for the generations to come.

Heck, who wants to get married if you’re just going to get divorced right?

Fortunately for you, there is actually good news in the midst of these gloomy facts. That is that getting your boyfriend to marry you when he isn’t ready is actually easier than you might think. Plus, making your marriage last has much better odds as well… when you apply the tips here to make it happen.

There are certain things that are important for you to know to get an unwilling boyfriend to propose. And keeping these things in mind during the course of your marriage will help keep the two of you sailing along smoothly on the sea of love.

Here are the tips you need to know.

First, you must understand that men and women process feelings differently. As a female you know how you respond when your emotions are involved. You also know the impact that love has on those emotions.

For men though, it’s different. You can liken their emotional responses to “gut instinct.”

You’ll have a feeling and your heart will tell you what to do with it. Men will have the feeling and they will go with their gut instinct to process it. And trust me, a heart and a gut respond to things in completely different ways.

What your goal needs to be is to take that love feeling he has for you and combine it with his gut instinct in such a way that the idea of marrying you just makes perfect sense. When it makes that kind of sense then putting a ring on your finger is simply a given thing not only that he must do… but that he enthusiastically wants to do.

So how do you do that?

Well, you have to be the perfect fit for him in such a way that while by himself he is strong and powerful, when you are added to the mix… he becomes a “force to reckon with.” He feels literally unstoppable.

Okay, you’re probably thinking that sounds great… but what will that take? Valid question. Here are a few ideas.

What that requires is you being a strong independent woman who is confident and happy on your own. Having him around is the perfect compliment for you as well.

In addition to that though you’ll need to give him the encouragement and support he needs by subtly guiding him. You need to give him space and appreciate and respect the fact that he needs that space.


By admin

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