Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Can love last forever? We are bombarded with stories of love gone cold or ugly and so we worry whether or not our love will last. Is it possible to stay in love with each other over the long haul? What can you do to keep a man forever?

i. Love yourself! To keep a man forever than you must practically love yourself so that you can love him as you love yourself. Loving yourself means that you accept yourself as a worthy member of the human race; you continually expect the best from yourself (even when you fail); when you apologies for a wrong then you accept the forgiveness given and stop accusing yourself. Loving yourself requires that you change what it is that you constantly tell yourself in your mind… and start telling yourself the truth.

ii. Love him. To keep a man forever than you must practically love him. Telling him that you love him is not enough… you must show him by your words and deeds that you love him. Do you notice when he does things well or only when he does them badly? Are you always trying to make him better by criticizing him? Do you make an effort to learn his love language so that you can love him in a way that makes him feel loved? Have you somehow separated love from daily living so that loving him happens in isolation to life? If loving him is an event then you will not be able to keep him forever… loving him must be a daily process… to be done every day!

iii. Respect yourself. To keep a man forever requires that you hold yourself in high esteem in the sense that you must know that your feelings, opinions and self-esteem are an important and integral part of you… and thus your relationship. So express yourself and stay true to yourself otherwise you will fade in the relationship so that instead of the relationship having both your characters it will have only his… and you will feel taken advantage of and resent him so that you undermine the love you have for each other.

iv. Respect him. You must respect a man so as to keep him forever. The reason you love him is because he has something special… remember that. He may not be the most handsome in the world but he has some great qualities… and he does love you… doesn’t he? Listen to his feelings and opinions and respect them as a part of him. Do not override or minimize his feelings and opinions even when you don’t agree. Disagree without insulting him or treading down his self-esteem.

To keep a man forever requires daily deeds of love… and a continual attitude adjustment so that you don’t lose sight of what it is that you have in your man.


By admin

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