Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

For many years, my life was filled with feelings of loneliness. I didn’t quite understand why every single day, I would wake up crying, feeling sad, down and even depress. I thought I was going into depression because I would feel this way every single day. I had no joy, no peace in my life what so ever. I felt all alone and by myself in this world. I had no desire to go out with friends or family all I ever did was just sit in the house and just cry myself to sleep every single day. Do this sound familiar to you?

You may be experiencing a life with no joy, always feeling lonely and like you’re by yourself all of the time. You probably have asked God several times why you? Why do you feel so lonely? Why can’t you just find a man to be happy with? Every single day you cry yourself to sleep at night because of the thought that you’re all alone and how lonely you feel. You probably think that something is wrong with you because you’re constantly down and it seem like don’t nobody want to be around you so after all something must be wrong with you?

How Can You Begin To Deal With Loneliness?

1. Acknowledge it. Get yourself out of denial and acknowledge that you feel lonely right now in your life. Many people tend to keep themselves busy all day because they don’t want to face it and they think if they just stay busy doing all type of things then they will avoid feeling lonely but that’s not the case because soon as you have a moment to relax the loneliness is going to hit you full blast so you might as well begin to acknowledge the fact that yes you are lonely right now in this part of your life.

2. Identify the loneliness. When you’re at home feeling lonely, where do you feel it at? I use to feel it in my heart like my heart was broken. This feeling made me feel as though people didn’t love me or want to be around me any longer. You may feel loneliness only at night time when you’re laying down in the bed and having thoughts such as your all alone running through your mind. Loneliness can make you feel fearful at times. The whole point is that I want you to identify where or who loneliness look to you.

3. Respond to your loneliness. I believe that the reason why we go through seasons of loneliness is because of something that’s out of line within ourselves, or it could be God trying to get your attention at the moment and the only way for him to get your attention is by placing you all by yourself so that all you can do is seek His face. Responding to your loneliness could be done by praying to God and trying to figure out what He is trying to tell you in this season. Responding could also mean for you to take an inventory of your life and figure out what areas do you need to change, work on, improve about yourself, many things.

To sum all of this up for you, the only way out of loneliness is through it. You have to face it, feel it, and then respond to it in order to get through it.


By admin

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