Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

For some guys, it seems so easy to just go up to a woman that they want to get to know better and start talking to her and for others, it seems like a pretty big challenge to be able to do a thing like that. One thing that is for sure, if you want to have better luck with women, then being able to make better conversation certainly is going to help you out. To be able to get a woman feeling engaged in talking to you may take some time, but when you really start to get good at it, you’ll see that it can definitely help you to get more dates with less effort.

That makes it all worth it in the end for most guys. As you probably already know, getting things started is usually the hardest part and when you can smoothly get a conversation going, you won’t have too much to worry about.

Here are 3 tips for talking to females that should make it seem a bit easier to make better conversation:

1) Try to get her perspective on a topic that you want to talk about.

Just doing this is usually enough to get some kind of banter going. Most women are pleasantly surprised if you seem to take a genuine interest on what they have to say, because they are so used to dealing with guys who are trying too hard to impress them and those kinds of men usually don’t take the time to get to know what the woman’s perspective on a topic might be.

2) Make her feel like there is no pressure at all on her part to say whatever comes to mind.

When you make a woman feel like she has to talk to you or that she has to hold down her end of the conversation, it usually works against you. On the other hand, if you make her feel as if there is no pressure at all, you’ll usually find that she is a lot more relaxed around you and that will make the conversation go a lot more smoothly.

3) Don’t forget to flirt with her.

Forgetting to flirt is one of the things that a lot of guys do that makes things seem harder on their end. The whole point of trying to get a woman talking is so that you can get to know her, build up some rapport and maybe get the chance to take her out on a date. Well, if that is going to happen, you do have to do some flirting with her. Don’t forget that part, because it can be easy to do if you get too focused on trying to always come up with the right things to say.


By admin

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