Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Knowing how to attract a woman should be a key part of your seduction lifestyle. Along with day time spots, social circle and night time venues, the internet can provide a wealth of opportunities to attract and seduce women. Knowing then how to “create” an online presence then becomes a key skill that can be used to set up physical dates with the woman you want. There is one vital quality that your online presence must have in order to attract gorgeous women.

Attract Woman By Being Different.

Especially in the world of internet dating, the competition is high for women. To stand out from the crowd you need to do something different apart from the all the usual cliché interests. The idea is that the man who has the most unique photo/profile will get more views and more interest.

Here are some great ideas to start you off:

Wear a mask on your profile. This creates mystery. And mystery is one of your best qualities when online.

Have an interesting profile picture of your doing something different. Like giving a dog a piggy-back ride. Sounds wacky, and this is what will make women remember you.

Most guys profile pictures will be of a facial shot looking at the camera. Boring. Another one is the cliché hanging out with a group of friends. That’s great, just make sure that the effect gives you the spot-light and doesn’t detract from your presence. You hopefully want to have a group shot of something other than being in a night-club or party with drinks in hand. Very cliché and definitely not different.

Your profile is a chance to demonstrate who YOU are. Most men will write their profile in the same predictable way. Here is what they will usually say:

I am a laid back guy.
I am looking for a down to earth woman.
My hobbies are hanging out with friends, sport, cars, working out and going to pubs/nights clubs.
I want to travel, love going to the beach and watching movie’s.
My perfect date would be to go to the pub for a few drinks then maybe a movie.

If you write ANY of this, you will be pigeon holed with the rest of the losers. So please guys, do something different, ANYTHING other than what is stated above. If you like sports, going to the beach and hanging out with friends, DO NOT put it on your profile. You do not need to fill the profile space with useless, boring information like this. Women will ASSUME that you enjoy these things because these things ARE MOST GUYS hobbies. You must stand out from the crowd and have a hobby, interest passion that is different to every other guy.

The other way you can be different and attract women online is to write your profile in a different way. Instead of the cliché “describing yourself”, method, and then “what you are looking for”, in a woman, do something totally different. The idea is to be creative, and women LOVE a man that is creative and different. (Hence why artistic guys are attractive to women). Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

Instead of talking about yourself, just talk about something you are passionate about.
Don’t say anything about yourself.
Don’t say anything about the ideal woman.
Tell a joke.
Give some advice on cooking, art or music.
Write a story.
Write a poem.
Describe your profile picture and the story behind it.
Write about YOUR weaknesses.
Talk about your friends or family.
Quote someone and analyse that quote.

These are but a few examples of what you can do to attract quality women online. The important themes are to be different and creative. When you think outside the square and separate yourself from the herd, you will become more attractive.


By admin

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