Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Marriage is one of the best unions that can ever exist between a man and a woman. Yet, marriage should be based on solid ground to grow and stand the test of time. Why do some marriages last a lifetime in harmony and understanding while others don’t? How to make sure that your partner is the right person with whom you will live happily ever after?

Probably everything starts prior to the engagement period. Marriage requires some maturity and a certain level of consciousness, and therefore decisions shouldn’t be taken slightly. Quite often engagement period is based on romance and fondness which is great as long as the mind is given its share too. So besides romance, the engagement period should involve some discussions and understanding on the basics too.

One of the most important cornerstones of a successful marriage is harmony. Harmony is being on the same wavelength and is translated after many years of marriage by knowing what your partner is thinking or feeling at a glance.

On the other hand, there’s no successful marriage on earth that doesn’t require compromises at some time or another. Most often, love can be measured by how much the partner is ready to compromise. The deeper the love is, the more compromises are being made and the opposite is true too.

Routine might be the worst thing that can be installed in a relationship. It starts in the mind prior to anything else. Life involves growing, acquiring more consciousness. Married people are not the same persons they were couples of years ago when they first got married. We are forged by our experiences in life, by circumstances, by people we meet and by our way of thinking and analyzing life’s matters.

The rule of thumb to be able to love others is to love ourselves first. No one can give something he or she doesn’t possess. Generally, people often tend to evaluate a married life by how their parents’ relation was.

Also, the love they received from their parents and particularly from the opposite sex is a major determinant as to how they will be able to give love to their future partner. For instance, a man who received lots of love from his parents and particularly from his mother will be a caring and loving partner much more than the man who lacked love as a child from his mother. The same applies for women of course.


By admin

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