Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

We often see Western men complain that as a result of feminism the Western women (and especially American women) have turned into impossible harpies, and that having a marriage or a relationship in the West has become impossibly hard, whereas in places such as Afghanistan men have the full control and get away with severe violence while retaining full authority over their wives.

Boy have I got a solution to your problem. And it doesn’t even involve military action, government action or political activism.

The solution I favor is the same solution that has made possible vast economic growth in places like China and India (and, before that, in the West). It is a real-world solution based on the same thinking that has given the world capitalist economics. And the solution is this: Intercultural flux for intermarriage on a large scale.

That way, men who are willing to be good to women and women who are willing to be good to men will naturally find one another on the basis of how they are willing to treat one another and will create relationships where they treated much better than they expect to be treated at home. And the men who are not willing to be good to women, like the women who are not willing to be good to men, will either have to go without the other gender or change their ways.

Thus, a middle-of-the-road American man would go with a woman from such a place as Russia or Brazil, where women are willing to be good to men but men are not willing to be good to women. Such a woman will appreciate him and treat him right, and he will give her a much better life than she stands to expect in her home country. Both the men and the women involved in the flux will benefit and develop much better relationships than they could expect to have with someone from home. As for feminism-minded women, they could – have each other, have children through in vitro fertilization, or go with men who are themselves feminists, of whom there are more than many people realize.

Yes, it’s wrong that men in Afghanistan get away with throwing sulfuric acid into girls’ faces, while a geeky engineer or a Chinese immigrant in America loses his job for telling a coworker that she looks good. There is a real-world way of resolving injustices, and it is found in the thinking that is behind classical economics. In real world, people seek naturally to improve their condition. In relationships, that means that people will naturally seek those who would treat them well. Open the world for cross-cultural flux for intermarriage, and men who are willing to be good to women and women who are willing to be good to men will be rewarded with good relationships with each other. Meanwhile competitive pressure will be put on both men and women everywhere to be good to the other gender – for, if they aren’t, the other gender will have other options than being with them.

The end result of this process will be both men and women treating one another better. The willingness to be good to the other gender will rewarded with a positive relationship; the unwillingness to be good to the other gender will result in oneself being put at a competitive disadvantage. An incentive will be created on willingness to be good to one’s partner, and unwillingness to be good to one’s partner will be disincentivized. Through this mechanism men-woman relationships will improve, willingness to be good to the other gender will be rewarded, and both the men and the women will have a reason to be better to one another.

And that will vastly improve gender harmony and mutual well-being all around the world.


By admin

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