Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

So, are you one of those guys that is still intimidated by beautiful women? Noticed I used the word “still.” I say that because this defenseless feeling doesn’t have to be something that takes control of you each time you come across a woman whom you find extremely attractive. All it takes is some training of your social skills and putting them into practice on a regular basis.

Here’s the deal; if you did not already know it, you’re not alone. Most guys are intimidated by beautiful women. As a matter of fact, there are countless guys out there that are even intimidated by average-looking women. These guys are afraid of approaching and the thought of trying to hold brief conversations with women makes them nervous. Have you ever asked yourself why you seem to lose control and go into anxiety mode when you meet a beautiful woman? After all she’s just a person right? So what’s the big deal?

First off, as guys, we realize that being as beautiful as she, she can have just about any man she wants and as such, we always think her standards are invariably going to be sky-high. As a result, like clockwork our insecurities start to rise to the surface and all of a sudden we feel inadequate.

To add to that, society has taught us that to stand a chance with these gorgeous ladies, we need to be either rich, famous, powerful, or extremely handsome or even all four of these things combined. Hence the reason why we are always prone to adhering to the notion that such women are “out of our league.” This tends to be one of the biggest cop outs for guys who run into a great opportunity to strike a conversation with a woman. They end up missing out on what could potentially have otherwise been a knockout girlfriend or fling with a bombshell. In opposition to this kind of thinking, you need to adopt the mentality of “you really never know until you try.”

The big question then becomes: “How do you stop yourself from being intimidated in the presence of a pretty woman?” Well, the simple answer is “practice.” Being at ease around women and comfortably carrying on conversations with them is a skill; like all other skills we acquire in life, we need to constantly practise in order to sharpen it. Remember, every expert in any given field was once a beginner. To master their craft required going through some form of training and lots of practice. In the same way, you can learn and practice doing things that will greatly reduce your feelings of intimidation and highly improve your success rate with beautiful women.

For starters, get out and practise on what you consider to be the not-so-beautiful women. Most guys would probably agree that any woman who merits a “looks” rating of 8.5 out of 10 is considered very beautiful. So practise on what you deem to be the 6’s and 7’s. It’s going to be difficult at first because you will inevitably get rejected quite often since you’re still learning. Rejection is certainly an unpleasant feeling but the more you interact with women in this manner, the more you’ll learn to not get attached to the outcome. Eventually you’ll get comfortable with it and you’ll start to pick up on various patterns and responses from each interaction. Every interaction is a learning experience that will better prepare you for the next interaction. Once you find that you feel pretty confident at this level, push the envelope to the 8’s and keep on pushing. I suppose you get the idea; you’re basically trying to work your way up to the point where the oh-so-seductive perfect 10 doesn’t intimidate you anymore. Before you know it, the idea of dating and sleeping with perfect 10’s will no longer seem foreign to you.


By admin

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