Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

You think the break up is a mistake and now you want to get back with your ex. It won’t be easy but if you really love your ex, then it’s worth a try.

If trying to get back with your ex is what you really want, then you know the reasons why relationships sometimes fail. By knowing such reasons, you might figure out where exactly you went wrong and you will know how to fix it.

Understand that unless you go to the root of the problem, then your relationship can’t really be fixed. This isn’t algebra where you can be graded, this is your relationship and knowing what caused the heartache takes you one step closer to fixing your relationship. Or in this case, getting your ex back.

So what are the common relationship problems and how do you fix them?

Trust issues

There should be trust between the two of you because this is where you build the relationship. Without trust, of if you violated the trust, then your relationship will crumble. If your ex left because of trust issues, then you better find a way to convince him/her that your loyalty and feelings are true.

Most people have difficulty in building trust because they fear abandonment or they’re tired of people disappointing them. Your ex may feel like you abandoned them, or cheated them, or you disappointed them. Be sincere through words and actions to convince your ex that they can trust you.

Communication (or lack of it)

Miscommunication is another common relationship problem. You and your ex are both individuals and sometimes preferences, expectations, and even values can clash. The two of your end up hurting each other and along the lines, one of you stubbornly refused to give in or compromise thus ending your relationship.

It doesn’t mean you have to give in to your ex all the time just to get them back. But what you can do is be mature and perhaps keep an open mind. If your ex sees that you start listening and keeping an open mind, then maybe they’ll see that you’ve changed. They’ll follow your example and be open minded and listen to your ideas as well.

Personal space

Sometimes, not spending enough quality time with each other can lead to possessiveness. Perhaps you’ve been too possessive and controlling just because you want to be closer to your ex. Either that or you ended up being needy and clingy.

If this was the problem, then you need to talk it out with your ex. You need to explain your point of view and try to correct this problem. Explain to your ex why you felt this way and tell them that from now on, you will respect their space.

Quality time

When a relationship is new, or it’s in the honeymoon period, then everything seems exciting. There’s mystery and passion. But once that’s over then you’re left with a regular relationship which can seem like a routine. Perhaps you and your ex fell into the routine of late nights at work, busy weekends, etc. You ended up not having enough quality time with each other. If you’ve been too busy to spend time with your partner, then he or she will feel unappreciated.

Now you know what happens when your partner feels like you don’t appreciate them. They’ll walk away and seek attention from someone else. If you want to get back with your ex, then apologize for your mistake. Show them how truly sorry you are and convince them that they are your priority.


By admin

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