Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

As in any relationship, an anniversary marks another milestone. The 5th anniversary may be symbolized by wooden gifts. Wood is often interpreted as strength and you may be questioning the strength of your relationship as you hit this milestone. If your perception even leads you to think that there are any issues that you need to work on, then now is the time to fix a marriage.

Use the wooden imagery and gifts to reinforce how strong the two of you can be as a couple. You can make the celebration very personal and special even with a wooden gift. Use your imagination and deviate from the traditional engraved wooden gift box. Make the wooden box the stash for a special message. How about an invitation for a weekend getaway? There you can work on strengthening your marriage and channels of communication. To keep the wood theme going, find a log cabin someplace where you can be alone. Wooden cabins don’t mean you have to rough it either, have champagne and strawberries waiting for your arrival. Spend the time reliving the reasons why you got married in the first place.

If you want to deviate from wood why not buy 5 items? Try to think of 5 ways to let your partner know you want your marriage to grow. Maybe 5 days on a cruise? Maybe 5 gift certificates to your partner’s favorite golf course? How about a simple calendar with 5 dinner dates written in? You can start with your anniversary of course, to your favorite restaurants for time alone. Whatever you choose, plan on making this an opportunity to fix a marriage even if the issues are small.

If you do stand on tradition, a wooden jewelry box for either partner works. It is even better if you include a piece of jewelry to remind your partner how special he/she is in your life. To fix a marriage means thinking carefully about the message you deliver with your gift. An extravagant gift is not always the most thoughtful gift. Make it a special and personal gift that communicates your love for your partner.

When you fix a marriage, it does not mean your marriage is in a total shambles but there are probably areas you could make better for both of you. Why not use your 5th wedding anniversary the milestone that helps you make it to your 25th or 50th? Happy 5th Anniversary!

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