Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Male chastity and orgasm denial can definitely be beneficial for a marriage. Of that there is no doubt.

But for any man or woman coming onto the Internet for the first time with the intention of learning more about it from a safe, sane and rational point of view, the outlook is pretty grim.


Because most of what you will find is fiction. Some of it is accurately labelled as such, and there’s no harm or foul there. But much of it is presented as fact, even though it is plainly ridiculous and, to many, extremely off-putting.

This is especially true for women who have perhaps been asked by their husbands to consider male chastity as a legitimate lifestyle and so are looking online to find information sources to help them understand their husband’s desires.

So here I’m going to debunk what I’ve found to be the three most common myths and misconceptions about male chastity.

Myth #1: is the myth male chastity is able to fix a broken marriage. This is absolutely false and one of the most dangerous myths about the male chastity lifestyle there is, in my opinion, because believing it can cause many, many more problems than you already have.

Chastity brings men and women closer. It’s about increasing the levels of intimacy you enjoy. And if your marriage is broken and your wife avoids all contact with you because you make her skin crawl, then asking her to adopt a lifestyle intended to increase sexual and emotional contact and connection is a course of action likely to blow up spectacularly in your face.

If your marriage is strong but has perhaps just lost that sparkle, then male chastity is one option you might both benefit from exploring; but if it’s weak and filled with cracks and bad feeling, then you’re probably better getting professional help with your marriage.

Myth #2: is the myth your man wants to be a submissive pantie-wearing doormat and have you use and abuse him. While it’s undeniably true this is true for some men, it’s really very rare.

Most men seeking chastity from their wives are seeking two things: improved physical and emotional intimacy; and the sheer pleasure the feeling long-term orgasm denial, teasing and male chastity gives them.

Myth #3: is the myth male chastity is right for all men and women (some people claim it’s a woman’s “right” to “enforce” it on her husband).

This too is absolutely false. Male chastity is almost always driven by the man, and it’s typically a fantasy he will have had since he first discovered the opposite sex. But for men who don’t have the fantasy, it’s highly unlikely their women will be able to persuade them to try it.

Following on from this, there are very, very, few women out there as a proportion of the population walking around looking to lock their men in chastity and deny their orgasms. Not what chastity-driven men want to hear, but it’s the truth.

And overriding this is the simple fact it is impossible for a woman to force a man into chastity. The stories you hear about “blackmail” and “she’ll divorce me if I don’t do it” are lies, plain and simple.

Male chastity is always something you do with a man, not to him.

It’s a great lifestyle, to be sure, but to get the most out of it you really do need to be informed and arm yourself with the facts, so when you approach your Beloved, you can answer her questions and put her mind at rest.


By admin

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