Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

There are four male stereotypes that are very effective at attracting women. These guys use very specific personality traits to make women feel attracted, and it is these behaviours and qualities that make them so effective.

1.The Bad-Boy:

Has a way of treating women disrespectfully that makes women want him.
The classic womaniser
Displays traits of selfishness, massive self confidence and arrogance,
Doesn’t get affected when women are offended by his behaviour.
Is usually direct with his intentions and doesn’t beat around the bush. If he fails he moves onto the next woman. Has no particular fancy for any one woman.
Is also known as the jerk stereo-type
Rarely is dumped and dumps women before they dump him.
Very masculine stereo-type Is dominant, overtly sexual and conceited.
Makes women super attracted and horny and can make quick sexual encounters happen.
Makes women feel submissive.

2. The Coquette:

This guy is more soft than the bad-boy
Plays push-pull as a natural part of his game.
Warm then cold, but never hot.
Always makes the woman chase him even if it seems he is chasing the woman.
Will use other woman as jealousy bait.
Makes women feel very comfortable as his main weapon. Makes instant connection.
Makes women feel in control and safe.
Has a gentle personality and rarely offends women.
The coquette is the master of making woman make the seduction happen.
Is very respectful of women even if he sleeps with them for the sex only.
May even come off as slightly gay even if he is not.

3. Mr Popular:

This guy is Mr popular.
He has extensive networks of friends, acquaintances and contacts.
This guy knows everyone and from this people are attracted to him, both men and women.
It is through his popularity that women find him attractive.
He is very adept at entertaining groups of people especially women, and uses group dynamics to make his target girl feel comfortable, while allowing her to listen to him.
He uses social dynamics to his best ability to seduce women.
His main weapon is high situational value. e.g. at a club, party or event. Here he is king.
He is the centre of attention and women love to be with a guy like this.
Can be a mixture of both the bad-boy and the coquette with one or the other being dominant features.
His main weakness is once outside his social circle he is powerless.

4. Pick-Up Artists: (PUA’S)

Uses many psychological behaviours to induce attraction in women.
This guy studies: social behaviour, female psychology, attraction theory, social psychology, and reads up on tactics, strategies and skills designed to get him more women.
Usually try’s to go for “cold approach”, where the PUA has never met the girl before.
PUA’S greatest asset is they are the masters at cold approach, meaning they can basically start a conversation with any woman anywhere, any time. This makes them particularly effective, even if some of their behaviours are artificial.
Use tactics such as time constraints, neg’s, routines, push-pull and frames to attract women.
These guys are also the best at seducing under stress. These guys do so many cold approach that some of them are so immune to social embarrassment that they can handle almost any situation.
Their greatest weakness is being artificial and not organic enough for seduction to take place. While they may be able to strike up a conversation, some women are very good at sensing structured seduction and so counter-intuitively get turned off.

So there are the four male stereotypes that attract women effortlessly. Watch out for them and notice what they are doing. You can use some of these attitudes and behaviours to your advantage.


By admin

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