Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

No matter how much we love our homes, our jobs, our friends and families, I think we all, now and then, dream about the great escape. We daydream about running away – starting again – giving it all up for the simple life. Often this fantasy includes beaches and sunshine, particularly for us sun-starved Brits.

So when it comes to our wedding, we seize the chance to include just a hint of escape, and more and more of us choose to tie the knot abroad. However, although this sounds blissful, and may well be a very good idea, here are some hints and tips to make sure that your perfect is… perfect.

Be clear about what you want

It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? You and your beloved, getting married in exactly the way you’ve always dreamed of. Except that too often your dream wedding doesn’t match that of your partner. So don’t rush into booking anything until you have sat down and talked about what you want in detail. And I do mean in detail. Take the time to explore all your options, so that you’re both entirely clear about what it is you’re paying all that hard-earned cash for (and after all, if you can communicate about this, you will be set for the long road which is any long-term relationship).

Find someone on the ground

Once you are at the planning and booking stage, try very hard to find an English speaker who can be your man on the ground. There is nothing worse than trying to negotiate your dream day, with all the emotional stress that phrase brings in its wake, and doing so in a foreign language. The rise in weddings abroad has brought with it a stream of competent wedding planners who will locate venues, book caterers, florists and hairdressers, and minimise your stress levels and the hidden costs you may not be aware of. So engage someone you trust, and do it early on in the process. You won’t regret it.

Be upfront with your family

Most families will embrace the idea of a wedding abroad. A few won’t. However, no family (and none of your close friends) will appreciate inaccurate information about the financial and logistical implications of your marriage. So get a block-booking discount at your chosen hotel, and get accurate information about flights and transfers. If you’re clear about what’s on offer and what’s expected of your guests while they’re abroad, everyone is free to choose their itinerary and enjoy the day.


Finally, remember: this is a once in a lifetime adventure. You’ve chosen to do it abroad rather than at the registry office down the road for a reason. Your big day doesn’t have to run with the efficiency of the Swiss railway system for it to be memorable – on the contrary, relax and enjoy any minor bumps during the day. They are to be expected, and laughing about them is the way to handle it. No one wants to spend their special day worrying about whether the flower scheme is perfect, so treasure the moments with your loved ones, and embrace the adventure you’ve embarked on. Marriage is a long road, and starting it with laughter rather than tears is a memory you will treasure.


By admin

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