Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The word ‘Friend’ always brings a smile on our face. Have we ever thought who a friend is.Is it someone very close to your heart or someone on whom you can rely on in any given situation. I’m sure most of us would want a friend on whom we can trust. It is not always necessary that our friend has to be of our own age group or from our college or school. Even parents are very good friends. You might think that how can our parents be our best friend. The answer to this question is very simple. In the today’s cruel world, the only person to love you without any condition is your parents. They take care of you, teach you, and look after you and what not. They know what is best for you, they understand you very well and you can trust them blindly. Parents have much more quality than any of your friends would possess. However, we get irked by their scolding, their intervention in our life and thus forgetting all the good aspects.

Take a case where you have a fiancée known to you for several years, and he ditches you.You are morally very down and keep thinking it as the end of the world for you. Have a heart to heart conversation with your parents about your problem. You will realize that your parent’s advice works wonder for you, and no longer you feel dull and depressed. The sole reason for this is that they would give you a perfect advice, and their love makes you feel better. It is not the only example that I can site. There are innumerable examples. The sole reason I chose this was because most of us at some point of life would have been cheated, betrayed or left alone by someone whom we loved. They might not be your lover or fiancée but they can be your friends or someone who you trusted.

By making your parents your friend you not only give them happiness, but you are also sure that you have a friend whom you can trust blindly for the rest of your life. Life is very unpredictable, the only thing probably which can be said with confidence is that parents love is unconditional, and it is a gem which needs to be preserved lifelong. So take one step ahead and talk your heart out to your parents and then see life will become a heaven, and you will start enjoying it even more.


By admin

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