Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Sexual Violence is an act of terrorism intended to create fear, to prolong inferiority, and to perpetuate women’s and men’s vulnerability. Sexual violence is primarily “gender” violence. It is used as a weapon to wage war on women and girls in the forms of domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, female genital mutilation/cutting, trafficking, and emotional and physical abuse. Gender violence threatens peace and security. Invisible barriers prevent any effective action against these crimes within communities and nations.

We as a global society have allowed Sexual Assault, Rape, and Sexual Harassment to thrive with immunity far too long! At the heart of sexual violence is a barbaric crime against girls and women that has continued for thousands of years. We are living in a global culture of fear unable to prevent violent sex crimes. Every second of everyday women and girls worldwide suffer from domestic violence, rape, female genital mutilation/cutting, dowry-related killing, trafficking, or sexual violence. The UN has determined that, “We have become a predatory global society that isn’t willing to manage predatory behavior toward girls, boys, and women!”

In industrialized and non-industrialized nations, women are not part of the political process or able to have a voice to create change nationally and internationally. They cannot be part of the solution that affects them and all of society! Somehow as a global society we have acquired a high tolerance for sexual predators and a zero tolerance for those who report rape, sexual assault, and harassment! We are living in a global culture of silence. Even though sexual violence is occurring in the world, we don’t yet live in a society where survivors can openly discuss what happened to them!

“We are the only animal on the planet who repeatedly abuses and sexually assaults the smaller and weaker of the species for fun or sport.” Anonymous

The three major areas of sexual brutality that are in the headlines are Sexual Assault, Rape, and Sexual Harassment. Here is a brief definition.

Sexual Assault is any form of sexual behavior that is not consented to and that causes discomfort, fear or intimidation and is considered sexual assault in most jurisdictions. Sexual assault includes indecent exposure, unwanted physical contact, including kissing and fondling, lascivious acts, as well as oral and anal sex and vaginal rape, whether with a body part or an instrument.

Rape is forced penetration facilitated by the use of drugs, alcohol, beating, knocking the victim unconscious, use of a weapon or physical force without his/her permission. Rape is an act of violence expressed through sex, but is not primarily about sex. Rape is the only crime in which victims have to explain that they didn’t want to be victimized.

Sexual Harassment is intimidation, taunting, bullying, unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors or physical harassment along with inappropriate language and gestures of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination and civil rights discrimination. Persistent sexual harassment does affect an individual’s employment, interferes with work performance, and creates a hostile and offensive work environment. Sexual harassment can, and often does, lead to sexual assault and/or rape.

Solutions for this heinous and barbaric crime against all of us have been slow to be enacted within any nation. Effective solutions need to address the following:

Stoppage of victimization of women while pursing legal prosecution of the predator

Acknowledgment that sexual violence is a global pandemic

Awareness that sexual violence against women reflects fundamental gender inequality

A global culture who doesn’t value a woman’s voice will have trouble respecting a woman’s right to choose who or what she will engage in

Sexual violence is an act of terrorism intended to create fear, to prolong inferiority, and to perpetuate women’s and men’s vulnerability

Ending sexual violence through real education about women’s full and equal rights, respectful relationships, and real consequences for criminal behavior

Any effective solutions at a community, national, or world level to prevent sexual violence need to be easily understood, simple to implement, and have the ability to pursue and prosecute predators. In addition, women must be allowed a voice of equality in the revision of their nation’s constitution and bill of rights to add the words “Woman and Female”!


By admin

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